Category Archives: ACA Chapter News

ACA Chapter news applicable to all chapters

Elections for the Ammo Chiefs Association

Gentlemen: The term of office of all the ACA Officers expires December 31st; elections for a four (4) year term of office will be held October 1st to October 22nd. Nominations are now open until September 27th. We encourage each of you to consider serving the ACA over the coming four years! Duties of the officers can be found in the ACA Constitution (attached).

The following positions must be filled (current incumbents noted): President (Darrell Beasley); Vice-President (Rich Pennington); Treasurer (Danny Bridges); Secretary (Fred O’Hern); Chief @ Arms (Tom Zima; Directors @ Large (Mark Gossett, John Cecere, Dwight Howard, Bart Ivy).

Please submit nominations to the Election Committee (Darrell, Rich, or Fred) not later than September 27th; individuals nominated must be annual Ammo Chief Members in good standing (i.e. dues paid for 2011) or Ammo Chief Life Members. A current Membership Roll of Ammo Chief Members in good standing is attached for your convenience.

Fred O’Hern, ACA Secretary IYA Ammo YAS

PS- If you are not on the attached list and wish to be nominated or to vote; send $25 to ACA; 6046 SW 98 Loop, Ocala, FL, 34476

Mid Atlantic Chapter News

The Mid Atlantic Chapter met on 18 June for our quarterly meeting.  It was a busy day that included an early start to support a yard sale, A lunch-time cookout, and yes we even had a business meeting.  We covered a agenda of items from budget to programs and went through the final draft on our constitution.

See, We did Some Work!

Hard at Work

Our lovely brides were supportive as always!  They made some magic happen in the food department!

Our Lovely Brides

The members present!

The crew

Thanks to everyone who donated items, helped with the sale (Set up for one of these is not easy) and of course to Mike Gavin and his wife for hosting us.

ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter 2011 Calendar of Events


ACAMC Calendar of Events


January 4:  Suspense for Richard Gauvin Memorial Fund donation

January 15:  Annual awards notification

January 15:  Annual Reports due to ACA

January 31:  Dues are due to ACA and ACAMC (as applicable)

March 12:  Quarterly meeting (Langley AFB – TBD)

June 18:  Quarterly meeting (Langley AFB – TBD)

September/October:  Quarterly meeting/fall social (Mike Robertson’s house).  Initiate nomination process for Vice President

October 14:  Send out First Term Ammo Troop award request letters

November 1:  Send out requests for “Christmas Ammo Troop in Need” candidates

November 19:  Suspense for First Term Ammo Troop award inputs

December 3 or 10:  Quarterly meeting/Christmas social (Bill McCullough’s house).  Hold election for Vice President.

December 21:  “Christmas Ammo Troop in Need” shopping completed by this date