Below you will find the Reunion Sign Up Sheet for the ACA’s 2018 Reunion in Branson, MO. Rich McVey (Reunion Boss) and Mike Roylance have been working hard to secure the Hotel property, schedule events and then put together the computer products you all need to help with your decision(s). The Reunion Schedule offering more details will be sent to you all in a few more days. You will have time to look it all over and decide which events you plan to participate in.
Right now the priority for all who do plan to attend and need a room is to nail down your reservations at the “Westgate” as soon as possible. Unlike some of the properties we’ve used in the past, this one reserves the right to cancel out %’s of the blocked rooms at their predetermined times as Reunion time gets closer. It’s essential to make your reservations now.
We are looking forward to this years event, Rich has done all the legwork for us. We now have the easy part to do – – at your earliest opportunity download the Sign Up sheet and send it to Mike Roylance along with your checks!
Stay well, be safe out there and we’ll see you in Branson!!
Ammo Troops and their families from near and far converged in Ray City, Georgia for the 4th Annual Moody Blues Ammo Call, nicknamed this year, the Mother Of All Bashes or the MOAB! Campers began bedding down as early as Tuesday, October 3rd and continued arriving all the way up to the 7th of October, 2017. Of course, this year we had a very special guest called Hurricane Nate that threatened to put a damper on the festival. Afternoon, thunderstorms off the feeder bands slowed things but never stopped them. Saturday evening brought a gully washer just after dark but not before we got to pay our respects to our fallen Ammo Chief William “Bill” Fick. Some of us knew he kept pushing “ole Nate” to the west and sparing us. Friday and Saturday Breakfasts were prepared and served up by our own Chief John Greer. Fresh Morning Coffee was flowing freely.
The Ammo Veterans Association (AVA) sold T-shirts, ammo coins, sponsored a raffle and even an auction to support its efforts to bring fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood to the Fammoly. This gathering also had a huge showing from the Ammo Chiefs Association Emerald Coast Chapter. Retired Chiefs Fred O’Hern, John Greer, Tom Zima, Stuart Nikolas, Darryl Beasley, Raymond Wilson, and Ed Whitley were present. Chief Scott Browning from the 23rd Munitions Storage Area visited Friday night along with many of the “Flying Tiger Ammo Troops” from Moody AFB. What a special treat when our Active Duty brothers and sisters join us for the event.
This year’s reunion had a Hawaiian theme, and we were blessed with beautiful dancers. What luau wouldn’t be complete without the Famous Joe Santua Pig Picking smoked pig, along with sausages, smoked butts, Pat Conlin’s famous fall off the bone ribs, Reedy’s Carolina hash and chicken bog, and all the wonderful side dishes and desserts everyone brought to the biggest feed in the South. The heavy rain came just after dark Saturday night but not after we had made a day of it. Sunday morning saw folks packing up and moving out. Everyone promises to keep in touch and try to make the Bash at the Beach 2018. These reunions are ever so necessary to connect and support one another.
Everyone needs to join the Ammo Veterans Association or the Ammo Chiefs Association to keep track of when the next event will be coming to you.
Next year’s Moody Blues Ammo Weekend will be October 4th thru the 6th of October, 2018. We hope to see everyone there! Bob Jones IYAAYAS!
Ammo troops and families from all over the Eastern United States made the trip to the Forward Operating Location, Jones Pecan Farm of Ray City, Georgia for the Annual Ammo Veterans Association Moody Blues Ammo Day. This year’s theme was our old MASH characters who we all grew up with on the Far East Network and the Armed Forces Network Radar, Klinger, Hawkeye, Hotlips and the gang. Ammo troops from as far away as Michigan, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, South and North Carolina and Virginia merged to celebrate along with the Active Duty Ammo Troops from Moody AFB, Home of the Famous A-10 Hogs, “The Flying Tigers”!
Activity began early on Thursday 29 September with the raising of the Ammo Flag at Ground Zero. Campers began arriving soon afterward in RVs, camping trailers and tents. Motels and Moody Billeting soon began check-ins of more Ammo troops. The smell of burgers, brawts, and hot dogs filled the air as the sound of laughter, greetings and stories got louder! The celebration had begun! Two four ship flyovers of A-10s wooed us late afternoon! Friday saw more and more arrivals as our Ammo Chiefs began appearing. We were honored this year with Chief O’Hern, Chief Zima, Chief Fick, Chief Wilson, Chief Whitten, and many more of Ammo’s Pride! Colonel Hopkins (ALCMs) had a great time with us and was appointed our commander in case there was trouble! Luckily we didn’t have to use him! What a great bunch of Ammo troops from Viet Nam, Cold War, Desert Storm and present day all celebrating what we know best as FAMMOLY.
3rd Annual Moody Blues Reunion Coin
Saturday October 1st, was a super day with well over a hundred Ammo Troops and their families enjoying the camaraderie once again of fammoly. Ammo Brother Joe Santua cooked us up a fine hog along with playing us a few songs. Ammo-Dog, Dave Bressler arrived. We had a wonderful raffle and auction to help raise funds. Ammo Sister Dolly Witt began singing us into the evening where karaoke got the attention of our Moody Ammo Troops. They did a fine job singing several songs that entertained the crowds. What a blessing to be able to recognize and enjoy being around our active duty folks. They are very special to all us, and we praise them for carrying on the Ammo Life. The party lasted throughout the evening.
Sunday brought a few sighs and lots of hugs. Everyone promised to keep in touch and to “Keep the Flame Burning” through social media and of course by telephone. The Ammo Veterans Association wants to thank everyone who participated in this year’s event and invites everyone back for Moody Blues Ammo Day October 7th, 2017!