Category Archives: ACA Mid Atlantic Chapter

Posts related to the ACA Mid Atlantic Chapter

ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Recognizes Outstanding ACC Ammo Troop

On 17 Nov 2010 the ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter recognized Staff Sergeant Jonathan D. Mittman, Seymour Johnson AFB NC.

SSgt Mittman was selected as the Air Combat Command, Outstanding Munitions Supervisor, for the 3rd Quarter 2010 for his outstanding accomplishments, technical abilities, drive for perfection, and motivation to improve the Munitions Community.  SSgt Mittman was presented with an ACAMC Certificate of Appreciation, gold AMMO Chiefs Association Chapter coin and a check for $50.00 as a small token of our chapter’s appreciation.

ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting Minutes – 18 Sep 2010

ACAMC Membership  September 21, 2010

Subject: ACAMC Meeting Minutes

1.  Date, Time, Location:  September 18, 2010, 1:22 pm (1422 hours), Mike Robertson’s house (4542 Rincon Place, Dumfries, VA 22025).  Mike and his wife Myong provided appetizers for the group before the meeting.

2.  Purpose:  General membership meeting.

3.  Attendees:  A quorum was present (11 of 18 voting members including 6 proxies).


Michael Gavin – (President)

Mike Robertson – (Vice President)

Wilbur McCullough – (Secretary/Treasurer)

Richard Pennington

Phil Kennedy

John Matthews (Proxy)

Jack Miller (Proxy)

Jerry Merichko (Proxy)

Eddie Fuquay (Proxy)

Rick Follett (Proxy)

Frank Waterman (Proxy)

Pat Barcus (Proxy)



4.  The following Agenda Items were discussed:

a.  The Secretary presented the minutes from the June 19, 2010 meeting.

i.  Motion to accept – Rich Pennington

ii. Seconded – Phil Kennedy

iii. Unanimously approved.

b.  The Treasurer provided a detailed fiscal update (attached).  Our current balance of $751.45 was supported by coin and shirt sales of $40.00 and the $441.00 proceeds from the yard sale.  Since the June meeting we disbursed;  award package to a base-level Ammo troop ($50.00 Meyer) from Seymour Johnson, donated to the CMSgt Richard Gauvin Scholarship Fund in honor of Dan Munro’s October retirement ($50.00 – outstanding check), and reimbursed Mike Gavin for yard sale costs ($45.00) and LENAJ coin order ($295.00).  During the meeting, Phil and Mike Robertson paid for their new ACAMC numbered coins ($20.00).  Rich mentioned the coin still has “Virginia” on it vice “Mid-Atlantic.”  This was verified.  Mike Gavin will contact LENAJ about the error.  We also received $25.00 in cash for Pat Barcus’  and a $25.00 check from Yvonne Watts for their 2011 dues.  Mike Gavin turned in $40.00 from coin sales and Phil bought two shirts for $20.00.  An additional $20 was collected for coins and a total of $130.00 is available for deposit.

i. Motion to accept – Phil Kennedy

ii. Seconded – Rich Pennington

iii. Unanimously approved.

5.  Old Business:

a.  Awards Committee:  AIC Meyer’s award package was presented to him by Dan Munro.  Pictures were sent to the membership.  Thanks to Mike Gavin and Mike Robertson for generating the package.  The next quarter’s awards should come out in October.

b.  Membership:  We lost Pat Bowen and Ken Jackson as members due to PCS moves.  We picked up Pat Barcus as a new member.  Our current tally is 18 Ammo Chiefs plus 3 Associate members.  Mike Gavin will talk to Chris Arnold after Chris gets settled in.

c.  Fundraising:  The new coins will now be sold for $10.00 each once Mike gets the replacement batch from LENAJ.  Phil recommended we do another yard sale next year since this past one was a big success.  It was mentioned that a yard sale is as good as the merchandise donated to sell, so whoever volunteers to take this on next year needs to plan early and all members need to donate goods.  The use of Craig’s List may help with the yard sale effort.

d.  Sunset Committee:  Bill sent a card to John Matthews wishing for a speedy recovery on his recent surgery.  It was noted that the ACA sent a donation to the family of Amn Robert Hasley who passed away in Japan.  Bob Guyton of AFCOMAC fame (Original Cadre) passed away in North Carolina at the age of 53.  Frank Waterman’s leg is healing slowly and he can’t get around as well as he hoped.

e.  Participation in ACAMC meetings:  Fair attendance at this meeting.  The proxies we received ensured a quorum was present and permitted the chapter to legally conduct business.

f.  ACA reunion update.  The dates for the reunion are 4-7 November and it will be held at the Sunrise Holiday Inn in Ft. Walton beach.  Currently, there are 33 ACA members and 24 guests signed up to attend.  The Ammo Troop memorial plaque dedication ceremony will occur on 4 November at 1400 hours in the Armament Museum.

g.  John Matthews and Rich Pennington are heading up the nomination committee for chapter president.  So far there is only one member  willing to accept the nomination.  There seems to be plenty of people who want to support the chapter, but are hesitant  to hold an officer position.  If you are interested please get your name in the hat.  Our Chapter does great things supporting our enlisted force and we are always looking for new ways to make a difference.

h.  Care package to Ed Weisheit.  Ed requested we send a package that can be dispersed to the troops.  He also sent information about “Boatsie’s Boxes.”  The chapter discussed this and will not support Boatsie since the program is for all troops deployed, not just Ammo personnel.  However, if individuals want to participate, they can do so via her web site at:  The chapter accepted monetary and material donations from its members.  Bill made the motion to set a chapter limit of $50.00 to buy items for the Ammo box.  Phil seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.   Mike Robertson will finalize putting the box together and mailing it to Ed.

i.  Update ACA web site.  Mike Robertson hasn’t heard from Rick Follett on this.  Bill will ping Rick.

j.  The ACA Ammo plaque was dedicated at the AF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB on 9 July.  Pictures have been sent to the members.  Thanks to Phil for this idea and to the ACA for making this happen.

6.  New Business:

a.  Rich explained the process for the chapter presidential nomination.  The goal is to get the nominations and voting done by the December meeting and to have the new president installed officially January 1st.  The Chapter supplies (coins/checks etc) will be passed at the December meeting due to regional participation and availability to get together.

b.  Dan Munro’s retirement ceremony is October 8th.  The members at the meeting signed a card and Bill will mail it.  Bill showed the group the letter he sent to AFCOMAC for Dan’s donation to the Rich Gauvin Memorial Scholarship Fund.

c.  The chapter Shell and Flame article was well received.  The next input is due in mid-December after we select the Ammo Troops in Need recipients and the First-Termer exceptional performer winner.

d.  The floor was opened for new business.

a).  Mike Gavin  stated he was not able to get the news article on the Hill AFB Ammo Call.  Since it made the base paper, Public Affairs should still have the electrons or an archive copy.  Rich Pennington stated he would contact a POC at Hill AFB.

b).  Rich cited some general ACA information regarding the extension of term limits for the officers and the upcoming election for the offices of president, treasurer, and two directors.  The process should happen soon since the selectees are to be announced at the reunion.  Fred O’Hern does not want to be the secretary after his term expires.

c).  Rich mentioned  a donation to the chapter should be tax deductable since we are a 501c organization.  Any added funds will help support our many programs.  Mike Robertson was concerned about the budget.  Our average dues total $500 and coin and shirt sales are our main means of support.  Members donate food and administrative items to help keep costs down.

d).  Mike Gavin announced our newest member is Pat Barcus.  Pat received coin #35.  Chris Arnold is in place at ACC and Chief Terrelli is due into Seymour-Johnson in October.  Pat Bowen PCSd to Warner-Robins and Ken Jackson PCSd to Alaska.  Dan Munro may not stay in the Mid-Atlantic area after he retires.

e).  Mike Robertson recommended the ACA send care packages to the troops twice a year to help show our support.  Rich will need to bring this to the ACA board of directors.

f).  Rich mentioned he hasn’t heard any updates on getting the Rich Gauvin Memorial Scholarship Fund in the CFC.  He will ask Chris Arnold about it since he just came from AFCOMAC.

g).  The 25th anniversary of AFCOMAC is coming up.  Nobody has heard what the Air Force is doing on this.  Members will query Chief Heisterkamp.

h).  The ACAMC Calendar of Events was changed to have the “Ammo Troops in Need” request for submissions go out 1 November vice 15 November.

i).  Mike Robertson mentioned about moving the chapter account from Langley Federal Credit Union to USAA.  This would eliminate the hassles encounter when officers change.  During the same conversation, it was mentioned the P.O. Box has limited access.  Bill was asked if he planned to remain secretary-treasurer of the ACAMC for awhile and he said it was up to the membership.  If so, we can cancel the P.O. box and Bill can get the mail.  This would also save us about $60.00 per year in fees.

j).  The membership is asked to let Bill know which date for the December meeting is best for them;  the 4th or the 11th.  The original date is the 4th but the goal is to get maximum participation.

7.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:53 pm (1453 hours).

i. Motion to adjourn – Mike Gavin.

ii. Seconded – Rich Pennington.

iii. Adjourned by unanimous decision.

8.  The next meeting is tentatively planned for December 4, 2010 at 1:00 pm, at a Bill’s house [see 6.d.i). above].

9.  The group chowed down on a banquet provided by Mike and Myong Robertson and socialized for awhile.


Wilbur C. McCullough III

Secretary, ACAMC

ACAMC Chow-Down at Sep 18 2010 Meeting

ACAMC Chow-Down at Sep 18 2010 Meeting

ACAMC 18 Sep 2010 Meeting - Well fed and ready for a nap!

 ACAMC 18 Sep 2010 Meeting – Well fed and ready for a nap!  Left to Right: Mike Robertson, Bill McCullough, Mike Gavin, Rich Pennington, and Phil Kennedy
The Tall and Short of it!
The Tall and Short of it!
The Tall and Short of it!
The Pennington’s (Rich and Sue) and The Robertson’s (Mike and Myong)

ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Recognizes Outstanding ACC Ammo Troop

ACAMC Award Presentation
A1C Meyer, Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC is presented the ACAMC Outstanding AMMO Troop Award by AMMO Flight Chief Dan Munro

On 30 July 2010 the ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter recognized Airman First Class (A1C) Matthew M. Meyer, assigned to Seymour Johnson AFB, NC

AIC Meyer was selected as the Air Combat Command, Outstanding Munitions Technician, for the 2nd Quarter 2010 for his outstanding accomplishments, technical abilities and drive for perfection.  AMMO Flight Chief and ACAMC member, Chief Dan Munro presented A1C Meyer with a ACAMC Certificate of Appreciation, gold AMMO Chiefs Association Chapter coin and a check for $50.00 as a small token of our chapter’s appreciation.

ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting Minutes – 19 Jun 2010

To: ACAMC Membership                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      June 23, 2010 

Subject: ACAMC Meeting Minutes


1.  Date, Time, Location:  June 19, 2010, 2:15 pm (1415 hours), Mike Gavin’s house (112 Meredith Lane, Yorktown, VA 23692).  (NOTE:  The meeting started late so the group could savor hamburgers and sausages cooked by “Grillmaster” John Matthews.  Mike Gavin and his wife Sherrie provided a feast for the group.)

2.  Purpose:  General membership meeting. 

3.  Attendees:  A quorum was present (16 of 19 voting members including 6 proxies).


Michael Gavin – (President)

Mike Robertson – (Vice President)

Wilbur McCullough – (Secretary/Treasurer)   

Eddie Fuquay

Patrick Bowen

Jack Miller

Richard Pennington

Rick Follett

John Matthews

Jerry Merichko

Ed Weisheit (Proxy) 

Phil Kennedy (Proxy)

George Heinlein (Proxy)  

John Cecere (Proxy)

Frank Waterman (Proxy)

Dan Munro (Proxy)


Jeff Bunney

John Usefara

4.  The following Agenda Items were discussed:

a.  Mike Gavin welcomed first-time attendees to the group:  Jerry Merichko, Eddie Fuquay, and Pat Bowen were at the meeting.

b.  The Secretary presented the minutes from the March 13, 2010 meeting.

     i.            Motion to accept – Rich Pennington

     ii.            Seconded – John Matthews

     iii.            Unanimously approved.

 c.  The Treasurer provided a detailed fiscal update (attached).  Our current balance of $810.45 was supported by coin and shirt sales.  Since the March meeting, we disbursed awards to base-level Ammo troops ($100.00 outstanding checks), donated to the CMSgt Richard Gauvin Scholarship Fund in honor of Tom McConnell’s retirement ($50.00 – outstanding check), and paid the annual postal box fee ($60.00).  The yard sale earlier in the day was a success due to the donations of items and time and netted $425.92.  A huge thanks goes out to Mike Gavin, Jerry Merichko, and Jack Miller for setting up.  John Usefara and Jerry Merichko deserve special mention for interacting with the customers.  Jack Miller, Mike Gavin, and Bill McCullough helped with sales.  Leftover items will be donated to charitable organizations.  We collected an additional $30.00 in coin sales during the meeting and sold one shirt for $10.00.

      i.            Motion to accept – Mike Robertson

      ii.            Seconded – John Matthews

      iii.            Unanimously approved.

 5.  Old Business:

 a.  Awards Committee:  TSgt Reed of Langley AFB and AIC Black of Seymour-Johnson AFB were the 1st quarter award winners at base level.  Mike Gavin and Mike Robertson generated the packages.  AIC Black’s package was sent to Dan Munro for presentation.  Pat Bowen stated the 2nd quarter awards are due by July 15th.

 b.  Membership:  We are holding steady with 19 Ammo Chiefs plus 3 Associate members.

 c.  Fundraising:  The coins sales slowed down a little. 

  d.  Sunset Committee:  Gen Leo Marquez is doing okay.  Bill sent cards from the chapter to TSgt Crute (health issue) and to Jim Shelingoski’s sister (death of both parents).

 e.  Participation in ACAMC meetings:  Good attendance at this meeting but we can do better.

 f.  The ACA acquired two plaques from a company in Dayton, OH.  One will be dedicated Air Force Museum on July 9 at 3:00 PM.  The other will be dedicated at the Armament Museum at Eglin during the ACA reunion. (see attached Pennington document).  The cost to the ACA was $822.53 for both plaques.  Our thanks go out to Mark Gossett for taking the lead on this. 

 g.  ACA reunion update.  The dates for the reunion are 4-7 November and it will be held at the Sunrise Holiday Inn in Ft. Walton beach.  The off-season room cost should be about $65.00 plus tax.  The ACA is looking for a headcount by July 1st.  An activity sign-up sheet is attached to the “Pennington update” file.  Participants will then be asked to pay for the activities.  The hotel needs to be contacted for reservations.

 h.  Etching of current inventory of gold ACAMC coins.  The local plan to etch the new coins with members’ numbers did not work out.  Mike Gavin proposed we buy 50 unnumbered coins, numbered coins 26-50, and see if current coin holders want the updated design with their respective membership number on them.  The coins now cost $5.50 each and we can sell them for $10.00.  Total cost should be about $250.00.

     i.            Motion to accept – Mike Robertson

     ii.            Seconded – Pat Bowen

     iii.            Unanimously approved.

 6.  New Business:

 a.  Need to set up a committee for chapter President elections.  John Matthews volunteered to lead the committee and Rich Pennington will assist.  We anticipate getting nominations by our September meeting and having the election by the December meeting for a January 1st installation.

b.  Update on May 27th Worldwide Ammo Call at Hill AFB.  Heard it went well.  There were about 250 people in attendance.  Chief Christmas was supposed to send an article from the Hilltop Times base paper.  Awaiting more info.

c.  The floor was opened for new business.

a).  In lieu of a plaque, Tom McConnell requested we send a donation to the Rich Gauvin Memorial Scholarship fund.  Bill sent $50.00 on June 4th.

b).  Ed Weisheit deployed to the desert.  He should be back in January.

c).  It was commented that the yard sale went well.  The funds will go a long way in helping support our programs. 

d).  There was some discussion regarding the Honorary Ammo Chief presentation to Col. Tymofichuk.  He was nominated by the Wasatch Chapter and the goal was to have it completed by his ceremony on June 24th.  There was no Shell and Flame award.  There seems to be some ambiguity between being an honorary ACA member and an honorary Ammo Chief. 

e).  Pat Bowen will be moving on to be a CCM at Warner-Robins AFB.

f).  Mike Gavin was hoping Pat Barcus would be joining the chapter.

g).  Mike Robertson thought it would be a good idea to send a care package to Ed later on during his tour in the desert.  We will accept donated items and need to set a cap on chapter expenditure.  Mike Robertson stated he would be the POC.  Jeff Bunney asked if that would be anyone or just chapter members.  With the high turnover rate of troops, we could not fiscally support packages for all of them.  However, it was mentioned a card to the Chief’s spouse would be a nice touch.

h).  The next meeting date and location was discussed.  Mike Robertson can support at his house if the meeting is in late August.  Bill mentioned we can do a meeting in MD or NC to save those members travel.  Request all members provide proposed dates and possible locations by August 1st.

i).  Rich Pennington mentioned an issue where an Ammo Chief won an award and the ACA would not support because the Chief was not a member.  It was vetted at the ACA and the decision was final to not support.

j).  The Shell and Flame newsletter disappeared when Pat Adams left AFCOMAC.  The ACA is looking for a volunteer to take it over.

k).  Rich McVey will most likely stop doing the ACA web page in November when the web host is renewed.  Rick Follett has some recent experience with web sites and will work with Rich McVey.  Mike Robertson will help.

7.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm (1500 hours).

      i.            Motion to adjourn – Mike Gavin.

      ii.            Seconded – Rich Pennington.

      iii.            Adjourned by unanimous decision. 

 8.  The next meeting is tentatively planned for September 18th, 2010 at a TBD location [see 6.c.h). above]. 

 9.  The group socialized for awhile.


Wilbur C. McCullough III

Secretary, ACAMC

ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Recognizes two Outstanding ACC Ammo Troops

AIC Evan P. Black (Seymour Johnson AFB, NC) ACC Outstanding Munitions Technician, 1st Quarter 2010

TSgt James L. Reed (Langley AFB, VA) ACC Outstanding Munitions Supervisor, 1st Quarter 2010

The AMMO Chiefs Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter extended congratulations to these two outstanding ACC AMMO Troops for winning recognition as the Air Combat Command, Outstanding Munitions Technician and Outstanding Munitions Supervior for the 1st Quarter of 2010.   The ACAMC presented both with ACAMC Certificates of Appreciation, gold ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Coins and checks for $50.00 as a small token of the chapter’s appreciation.   It is through the selfless efforts of professionals such as these that makes our Air Force strong.

Mid-Atlantic Chapter Presents Outstanding Ammo Troop Awards

In January 2010, the ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter honors two Seymour Johnson AFB AMMO Troops, SSgt Aaron L. Taylor and MSgt Jerry W. Lindsey after they win the ACC Outstanding AMMO Troop Awards for 4th Quarter 2009. 

ACC Munitions Supervisor: SSgt Aaron L. Taylor, 4 EMS, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC

ACC Munitions Manager, MSgt Jerry W. Lindsey, 4 EMS, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC