Category Archives: ACA Chapter News

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ACAMC Meeting & Social Minutes, 12 Dec 2009


To: ACAMC Membership

December 16, 2009

Subject: ACAMC Meeting Minutes

1.  Date, Time, Location:  December 12, 2009, 1:33 pm (1333 hours), Bill McCullough’s house, Fredericksburg, VA.

2.  Purpose:  General membership meeting.  The ACAMC General Membership meeting was conducted and the holiday social occurred after the meeting.

3.  Attendees:  A quorum was present (16 of 18 voting members – 12 proxies).


Michael Gavin (President)

Jack Miller – (Vice President)

Wilbur McCullough – (Secretary/Treasurer)

Richard Pennington

Michael Robertson (Proxy)

John Cecere (Proxy)

John Matthews (Proxy)

Tom McConnell (Proxy)

George Heinlein (Proxy)

Eddie Fuquay (Proxy)

Patrick Bowen (Proxy)

Bernie White (Proxy)

Frank Waterman (Proxy)

Phil Kennedy (Proxy)

Ed Weisheit (Proxy)

Jerry Merichko (Proxy)



4.  The following Agenda Items were discussed:

a.  The Secretary presented the minutes from the September 26, 2009 meeting.

i.   Motion to accept – Rich Pennington

ii.  Seconded – Mike Gavin

iii. Unanimously approved.

b. The Treasurer provided a detailed fiscal update (attached).  Our current balance of $865.45 was supported by coin, hat, and pen sales.  Since the September meeting, we disbursed awards to base-level Ammo troops ($50.00), paid for Kevin Lewis’ plaque ($67.20), and reimbursed Mike Gavin for food costs from the July meeting ($50.00).

i.   Motion to accept fiscal report: – Mike Gavin

ii.  Seconded – Rich Pennington

iii. Unanimously approved.

5.  Old Business:

a.  Awards Committee:  SMSgt Brown’s award presentation occurred on 11 December at the 1 FW.  We are awaiting the release of the 4th quarter winners and the annual winners, which should be announced in January.  We had no “Sharp Troop” inputs from our Region to review.  All major units as well as McGuire, Pope, Andrews, and other small units were contacted on this award program.

b.  Membership:  With the recent addition of Chief Patrick Bowen, our active Ammo Chief membership roll is up to 19.  However, this roll includes all 2009 members and 2010 members who paid since August for 2010.  The membership as of January 1, 2010 may drop.  We discussed members joining after mid-year should have their dues carried into the following year.  Our current By-Laws do not address this issue but we voted to approve and plan on inserting a statement to the effect “New members joining the ACAMC from July 1 and on will have their membership carried forward for the next calendar year” during our next By-Law review.  This will prevent us from overwhelming new members with requests for dues within a few months of joining.  This does not apply to members whose dues lapse while they are in the ACAMC region.  However, if they transfer out and back into the region, they will be considered new members.  We have contacted our recent Chief selects and Chiefs within our region and received some positive feedback regarding them joining our Chapter.  (Names of inactive AMMO Chiefs in the Chapter region were removed).

i.  Motion to accept membership proposal: Mike Gavin

ii.  Seconded: Jack Miller

iii.  Unanimously approved.

Fundraising:  The coins sales continue to do well.  Monies were turned in during the meeting and additional coins were sold.  We have 61 gold coins left for sale.  Since membership dues are uncertain and we want to support more programs, Mike recommended we do a yard sale to help raise funds.  It was agreed to try this the morning of June 19th prior to our quarterly meeting.  In addition to the donated items, water and food sales were proposed.  Goods may be brought down as early as our planned March 13th meeting.  The membership has not heard from Tom McConnell about trying to acquire some of the gilded glasses from Incirlik similar to the ones given away at the ACA reunion held at Hampton, VA.  During the meeting we collected $72.00 for coin sales, $150.00 for ACAMC dues, and $50.00 for ACA dues.  Chapter dues are due by January 15th, 2010.  You may send them to the Ammo Chiefs Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter, P.O. Box 65944, Hampton, VA 23665-5944.  If you owe annual ACA dues (ACA membership is required to be in the ACAMC), you may send them to the ACAMC address or to: Ammo Chiefs Association (Attn: Treasurer), 6046 SW 98 Loop, Ocala, FL 34476.  All members should continue to look for ways to raise funds for our Chapter.

d.  Sunset Committee:  An old wise man told me – it seems as we get older our medical issues tend to evolve rather than resolve.  John Cecere is doing OK and is able to travel.  Bill mentioned Bernie White had a hernia operation and is recovering well.  The  Chapter members present signed a card to send to him.  We also sent a card to Gen Leo Marquez who is fighting an uphill battle with cancer.

e.  Participation in ACAMC meetings:  We are trying to do a better job on the calendar to mitigate conflicts with other activities.

f.  Update on Langley AFB December 11th dinner honoring the 50th Anniversary of the rank of CMSgt.  Mike Gavin will get feedback for the next meeting.

g.  Virginia license plate with active duty Air Force recognition.  Phil Kennedy was not present to discuss status.  Rich stated he saw an article about the pre-paying of fees ($15.00 he believes) for the plates and a few other rules.  He will try to find the article and send it to Phil.  Deferred until next meeting.

h.  Marble bench recognizing Ammo community by Wright-Patterson AFB museum.  Issue sent to ACA.  The ACA is looking at possibly doing a plaque instead.  There are a lot of restrictions involved in the process and construction of the plaque.  Proposed verbiage is being reviewed and a new Ammo badge is being looked at.  This is now an ACA initiative and they will keep the Chapters abreast of how it is going.  More to follow.

i.  ACA reunion update.  There is no firm date set yet pending negotiations with the proposed hotel (Sunrise Holiday Inn) in the Eglin, FL area.  Rich will track this for the Chapter.

6.  New Business:

a.  The Chapter held elections for the office of Vice President.  Votes from e-mails, proxies, and in-person were tallied.  Mike Robertson won the election in a very close race against Jack Miller.  Mike Gavin thanked Jack for his service and support of the Chapter.  The Vice President will take office on January 1, 2010.

b.  The 2010 budget was reviewed (attached).  Fundraising is the key to our success and enables us to help our Airman.  We have numerous ACAVC shirts  donated by John Matthews left to sell and we are letting them go at a reduced cost ($10)  Coin sales are steady with 61 left to sell before a new order is required.  Mike Gavin suggested a yard sale be held before our proposed June 19th meeting.  He believes this can be a real boost to the coffers as a big annual event if we get enough donated goods.  We could possibly sell food and beverages during the yard sale.  Based on the current fund levels, the Chapter decided on two $200.00 holiday  shopping trips to support needy Airman).  Sunset donations were dropped to $100.  The annual awards program was increased $50.00 to $250.00 based on many regional winners in 2009.  Some discussion was held regarding the future of the Rich Gauvin Scholarship Fund donation based in its potential inclusion in the CFC catalog.

i.  Motion to accept budget proposal: – Mike Gavin

ii.  Seconded – Jack Miller

iii.  Unanimously approved

c.  The 2010 calendar of events was reviewed (attached).

d.  The group reviewed the inputs received from the 1st FW MSA for the holiday support  program(Ammo troops in need).  Only two candidate packages were submitted.  Both packages were approved.  If late submissions are received, they will not be considered for action due to our funding limitations.

e.  The floor was opened for new business.

a).  There was some discussion about us running out of numbered coins (from original  ACAVC order).  We will plan on getting 20 more numbered coins starting with number 26 when we place the next gold coin order.  Since we have new coin design it was asked if there was a way to etch our current membership number on the new coins.  There is not a block on the basic coin for a number.  It was noted that the 1st FW Armament shop has an etcher and we might be able to get some coins numbered with the new design if our membership would like their original coin number.   Mike will look into this.  We may possibly be able to etch a 2-digit number on the sides on the face of the coin (i.e., “02” with the “0” on the left hand side and the “2” on the right hand side) to keep the appearance symmetrical.

b).  Bill mentioned various versions of pending health care legislation carry increased TriCare fees.  All members were asked to keep an eye on this and notify their respective representatives in government if they are displeased with the contents of the bills.

7.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:19 pm (1519 hours).

i.   Motion to adjourn – Rich Pennington.

ii.  Seconded – Mike Gavin.

iii. Adjourned by unanimous decision.

8.  The next meeting is planned for March 13, 2010 at the Langley AFB  munitions area administrative facility (tentative) at 1300 hours.  Members are encouraged to bring their yard sale items supporting the June  event .  Remember, this is potentially a large money maker, but without membership support it will not be successful.

9.  The group socialized for awhile and feasted on a variety of foods prepared by Marilyn.


Wilbur C. McCullough III

Secretary, ACAMC

L to R: Rich Pennington, Mike Gavin, Jack Miller, Bill McCullough
L to R: Rich Pennington, Mike Gavin, Jack Miller, Bill McCullough

Mid-Atlantic Chapter Provides Holiday Support to AMMO Troops

Over this past Holiday, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter provide support to two Langley (1st FW) AMMO Troops.  This has become a tradition for the Chapter whose BOD budgets for and membership supports.  Mike Gavin, the Chapter President posted the following memo:

“Chapter Membership,

On behalf of our Chapter I had the privilege this week of taking two Airman with family hardships out on a Holiday shopping spree ($200 each).  Both of these Airman are undergoing separations and have small children to care for.  It was great to meet them both and see the spark in their eyes as they realized there are folks within the Munitions Community that care about them and their families.  They both wanted me to pass on their heartfelt thanks to our Chapter membership for helping them with Clothes and toys for their children and food for their tables.

Our Chapters collective efforts raising funds allowed us to make a difference in these Airman’s lives and helped make a nice Christmas possible for them.  I’m sure they will both learn and grow from their current hardships and continue to be Outstanding Munitions Airman.  When you see a tear in young person’s eye when they are thanking you – you know you have made a difference in their lives.  Thanks to you all for your continued support of our Chapter.  Supporting our Airman is what this group needs to continue to stay focused on.  Have a great Holiday season and be safe out there.”



Note: Thanks to the first line supervisors in the 1st FW Munitions Flight for taking the time to submit the packages on these Airman.  Both these Airman stated their Supervisors and Flight Chief have helped guide them during the troubling times.

ACAMC Meeting Agenda, 12 Dec 2009

To:      ACAMC Membership

 Subj:  ACAMC Meeting Agenda

1. Date, Time, Location:  December 12, 2009, 1300 hours, Bill McCullough’s house (5931 Danielle Dr., Fredericksburg, VA 22407).

2. Purpose:  To announce meeting of the general membership and solicit agenda topics.  Send additional topics to:

Mike Gavin, or Michael Gavin

Wilbur McCullough  or  Wilbur McCullough

3.  Standard Agenda Items:

a.  Review and approval of minutes from September 26, 2009 meeting.

b.  Financial Status:  Financial breakdown will be available at the meeting.

4.  Old Business:

a.  Awards Committee:  OPR: Mike Gavin, Bill McCullough.  MSgt Brown’s award presentation date is still in question.

b.  Membership Status:  Seventeen Chiefs and three Associate Members.

c.  Fundraising:

  • Status: Coin, pen, and shirt sales.
  • 2010 Chapter dues are due! You may pay at the meeting or send them to:  AMMO Chiefs Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter, P.O. Box 65944, Hampton, VA  23665-5499.

d.  Sunset Committee:  Alvino A. Ross Jr., passed away on 20 Oct 09 at Hampton, VA (Frank notified us).

e.  ACAMC participation and membership at meetings.

f.  Update on Langley AFB December 11dinner in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the CMSgt rank.

g.  Update on USAF license plates in Virginia (Phil).

h.  Update on marble bench at Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum marble bench (via ACA).

i.  ACA reunion update.

 5.  New Business:

a.  Election for Chapter Vice President.

b.  2010 budget.

c.  2010 calendar of events.

d.  Review of inputs for First-Term Ammo Troop award.

e.  Review inputs for Christmas Ammo Troop in Need program.

f.  For annual submitters, ACA dues are due.  You may pay the Chapter or forward a check/money order to:  Ammo Chiefs Association (Attn: Treasurer), 6046 SW 98 Loop, Ocala, FL 34476.

g.  Open floor for  new business.

6.         Next Meeting: March 27, 2009 (tentative).


Wilbur C. McCullough III

ACAMC Secretary-Treasurer

26 Sep 09 ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting

Subject: ACAMC Meeting Minutes

1.  Date, Time, Location: September 26, 2009, 1:17 pm (1317 hours), Mike Robertson’s house, Dumfries, VA.

2.  Purpose: General membership meeting.  The ACAMC General Membership meeting was conducted and the group socialized after the meeting.

3.  Attendees:  A quorum was present (9 of 18 voting members – 2 proxies).


Michael Gavin (President)

Jack Miller – (Vice President)

Wilbur McCullough – (Secretary/Treasurer)

Michael Robertson

Richard Pennington

John Matthews

Tom McConnell

Jerry Merichko – Proxy

Eddie Fuquay – Proxy



4.  The following Agenda Items were discussed:

a.  The Secretary presented the minutes from the July 18, 2009 meeting.

i.            Motion to accept – Mike Robertson

ii.            Seconded – John Matthews

iii.            Unanimously approved.

b. The Treasurer provided a detailed fiscal update dating back to the 28 Mar 09 meeting since he was not available at the 18 Jul 09 meeting (attached).  Our current balance of $879.65 was bolstered by coin sales.  Since the July meeting, we disbursed awards to base-level Ammo troops in the amount of $50.00.

i.            Motion to accept fiscal report: – Rich Pennington

ii.            Seconded – Tom McConnell

iii.            Unanimously approved.

5.  Old Business:

a.  Awards Committee:

– The Chapter presented a certificate, coin, and check in honor of SSgt Chappell of the 1 EMS for winning the AMRAAM Outstanding Performer Award.  It seems like we are feast or famine as far as awards go.

b.  Membership:  With the recent addition of Eddie Fuquay and Jerry Merichko, our active Ammo Chief membership roll is up to 18.  However, we have added no new Associate members and many other potential Ammo Chiefs (e.g., Carol Zollicoffer, Scott Heistercamp, Dan Munro, Mel Hill, Ricky Clay, John Hough, etc.) are remaining distant from the chapter.

c. Fundraising:  The coins sales continue to do well.  Mike Gavin stated he may try to get a chili cook-off going.  The membership talked about trying to acquire some of the gilded glasses from Incirlik similar to the ones given away at the ACA reunion held at Hampton, VA.  All members should continue to look for ways to raise funds for our Chapter.

d.  Sunset Committee:  There have been numerous health issues recently with our Chapter  members and within the munitions community.  John Cecere seems to have overcome some of his medical challenges and is able to travel.  Bill mentioned Luke Kearns (currently in Indiana) went into the hospital for kidney and pancreas issues.  UPDATE ON CHRIS PARKS:  Tumor was removed and the biopsy yielded no indication of cancer.

e.  The ACA approved the Chapter to use ACAMC as the representative acronym.  All future correspondence will be changed.

f.  Virginia license plate with active duty Air Force recognition.  Phil Kennedy was not present to discuss status.  Deferred until next meeting.

g.  Marble bench recognizing Ammo community by Wright-Patterson AFB museum.  Issue sent to ACA.  Rich Pennington will pursue status.

h.  Mike Robertson stated the term IYAAYAS is being formalized in official documents.

i.  The Chief Gauvin Memorial Scholarship program did not make the Combined Federal Campaign catalog this year.

6.  New Business:

a.  The Chapter office for Vice President is coming up for election.  Mike Robertson volunteered to lead the nominating committee.  Rich recommended we work it so the voting will occur at the December meeting.  Tom McConnell and John Matthews volunteered to help Mike.  The Vice President will take office on 1 Jan 10.

b.  Mike Gavin stated there is a dining in at the Langley AFB Enlisted Club on 11 Dec 09 in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the rank of CMSgt.  He stated the advertisement of this endeavor is hard to find.  Mike will send out more details on the web site.

c.  The floor was opened for new business:

1).  An e-mail came out citing the four winners of the CMSgt Gauvin scholarship awards of $500.00 each.

2).  The Ammo Bowl at Sheppard AFB is discontinued due to an issue with the Wing Commander’s son.  Dyess and Cannon AFBs are talking about hosting it in the future.  There will be no more World Bowls due to funding and restrictive permissive TDY rules.

3).  The ACA Board of Directors members can hold office for 4 years now.

4).  Mike Robertson will update the web site with a signed copy of the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.

5).  Rich Pennington reminded all that the ACA reunion will happen in 2010.  There is no set date yet and it will take place somewhere in FL since the Emerald Coast Chapter agreed to host it.

6).  A plaque from the ACAMC was present to CMSgt Kevin Lewis at his retirement luncheon in October.  Our thanks to Mike Gavin for taking care of this.

7.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:07 pm (1407 hours).

i.            Motion to adjourn – Mike Gavin.

ii.            Seconded – Jack Miller.

iii.            Adjourned by unanimous decision.

8.  The next meeting is planned for 5 Dec 09 at Bill McCullough’s house with a holiday social to follow.

9.  The group socialized for awhile and grazed on a huge spread of food provided by Mike and Myong Robertson.


Wilbur C. McCullough III

Secretary, ACAMC

SrA Jones, 305 Maintenance Squadron Ammo presented the ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Annual Outstanding AMMO Performer Award

Airman Jones is  presented the ACAMC Outstanding AMMO Performer Award by AMMO Chief (Ret) Frank Waterman
Airman Jones is presented the ACAMC Outstanding AMMO Performer Award by AMMO Chief (Ret) Frank Waterman

SrA Jones from 305 Maintenance Squadron Ammo Flight, McGuire AFB, NJ is presented the ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter’s Annual Outstanding AMMO Performer Award by Retired AMMO Chief Frank Waterman, also from McGuire AFB, 87 ABW/SEW, on 29 May 2009.

After the presentation, Frank spoke eloquently about SrA Jones stating… “I finally got together with now SrA Jones from 305 MXS.  If he continues to take on the tough challenges (Translation: “put up with the $#@”), he’ll be a great Chief some day!”

26 Sep 09 ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting

The next ACAMC meeting will be held at Mike and Myong Robertson’s house on 26 Sep 09 at 1300 hours. The Agenda will be posted son. After the meeting, we’ll enjoy some good food and camradarie!

Please mark your calendars!

As the meeting time approaches, we will send out a reminder and get a refined head count for Mike.

Directions to Mike and Myong’s house:

Address: 4542 Rincon Place, Dumfries, VA 22025
Phone: 703-590-7321 (In case you get lost)

From I-95 Heading North or South:

1. Take appropriate routes to get to I-95

2. Take I-95 North from Richmond or South from D.C./Maryland to Woodbridge

3. Take I-95 Exit 152-B (234 North to Manassas)

4. Proceed on 234 west approx. 2 miles (3 or 4 lights); move to right lane

5. Turn Right on Country Club Drive (After Mall and Panera Bread)

6. Turn right onto Waterway Drive

7. After the stop sign, proceed straight on Waterway Dr approx. 2 more miles

8. Take Left turn at first signal onto Spring Branch Blvd

9. Take first Right onto Holleyside Dr. (Right behind the fire station)

10. Turn first Left onto Huntgate Lane/Dr.

11. Turn first Left onto Rincon Place

12. 4th house (white) on the Left (4542 Rincon Place)