In Memorium, MSgt (ret’d) Rich Fettis

The Ammo family recently lost one of it’s own. Retired MSgt Richard E. Fettis (Festus), passed away on April 9th after complications from surgery.  MSgt Fettis served 22 years in the Air Force as an Ammo Troop including South East Asia during the Vietnam War.  Most of his career was spent in PACAF, with two assignments to Kadena AB, Okinawa as well as Luke AFB, AZ and Cannon AFB, NM where he retired in 1991. After the Air Force MSgt Fettis and his family settled in Phoenix, AZ.  Rich is survived by his Wife, Sandy and their four children.  Rich loved the Air Force and being an Ammo Troop, he never tired of talking about his Ammo career with younger airman he ran into.  Condolences may be sent to the family in care of Rev. Erin Wathen.  Funeral services were held 24 April 2009.