In FY2011 the U.S. Air Force is accessing Prior Service AMMO Troops (2W0XX) with Specific Years of Completed Service. This is being done to fill gaps in experience in the workforce that cannot be satisfied through normal accessions and workforce sustaining actions. The chart below identifies the completed years of service required to be eligible and the number of prior service 2W0XX the USAF is seeking to bring back in to the active ranks.
For Example in the chart below: The Air Force can access up to 44 prior 2W0XX troops with 12 years of prior completed service and 105 AMMO troops with 16 years of completed service. This is a great opportunity for troops that have good service records separated and are having second thoughts about their decision.
Completed Years of Service
AFSC | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 18 | 19 |
2W0X1 | 14 | 44 | 26 | 11 | 10 | 105 | 4 | 13 |
The Chief responsible for Air Force Accessions (AF/A1PT) put it this way. “You have an individual who left the team and they’ve been a civilian for 2 years and now realize the grass isn’t greener.” They visit the local recruiter and find out that based on their years of service (YOS) for 2W0 there may be eligible to re-join the USAF as an AMMO Troop. And, they find that their DD Form 214 RE code and separation code both have zero unfavorable impacts (e.g., previous EPRs don’t describe a “BAD ACTOR”) and the Recruiting Service (RS) friends say their okay; then this troop would be a good candidate. The Recruiting Service Prior Service team will forward the package for review/approval. One note should be highlighted; that is there are no waivers of the accession criteria for Prior Service. You either meet the criteria or you don’t.
Additionally, the Air Force is allowing Prior Service airman to Retrain into one of the specialties listed in the chart below:
FY11 Prior Service Retraining Opportunities | |
AFSC | Slots |
1C231 – Combat Control (CCT) | 3 |
1C431 – Tactical Air Control Party (TAC-P) | 2 |
1T031 – Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) | 7 |
1T231 – Pararescue (PJ) | 3 |
1U031 – Unmanned Aerial Systems Sensor Operator | 5 |
3E831 – Explosive Ordanance Disposal (EOD) | 4 |
3P031B – Security Forces Combat Arms | 25 |
6C031 – Contracting | 30 |
Total Retraining Opportunities | 79 |
For more information and specific eligibility requirements, contact the Munitions Career Field Manager, Chief Scott Heisterkamp (AF/A4LW) at DSN: 225-0780 or Comm: (703) 695-0780 or contact either the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) or the Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS).