My Fellow AMMO Chiefs, since the last stated meeting of the ACA, we have had a few events and actions that should be reported to the membership. Our Treasurer, Chief Bridges has done an outstanding job in keeping track of our finances. We currently have $16,942.65 in our coffers and the attached CY11 budget is submitted.
Our secretary, Chief O’Hern, has done an outstanding job in keeping the president straight and the current membership of active members is 153 Active Members in good standing; 101 Life (7 Associates, 9 Honorary); 36 Annual (7 Associates). One of our efforts is to continue to solicit membership from the active duty AMMO Chiefs. On a positive note we have had the European members of the ACA request a Chapter Charter but this has been put on hold until the European membership can meet and complete the prescribed documents.
Next, I would like to thank our Vice President, Chief Pennington , for re-energizing the ACA Newsletter, “The Shell and Flame” along with the help of Chief Matthews. This important document will help us keep in contact with our ACA membership and also spread the word of what we have done, can do and need to do to support the AMMO community. I would also like to thank Chief McVey for his continued support over the years to maintain our website…his efforts have been phenomenal and I hope we can find a replacement that can keep up the great work.
One significant event for this period is the establishment of the AMMO Memorial Plaques at the Museums at Wright Patterson AFB and the Eglin AFB, both dedicated to the “AMMO Troops…Past, Present and Future”. The work of Chief Gossett and Chief Long to make these events come to fruition is appreciated by the membership.
Our current challenge is to propose a change to our constitution to determine terms of office for our Board of Directors (BOD). Along with this change we will determine the elections of our next BOD. This proposed change is recommended to stabilize the BOD so they can provide the continuity to help the ACA provide the base for the development of new chapters and new membership.
Finally, I would like to ask each member to look at what the ACA needs to do and what we can do to continue to support of the AMMO Community.
The AMMO Chiefs Memorial Fund, which is the offspring of Grace Hamilton’s request to donate to the AMMO troops after Chief Hamilton’s passing, has provided funds for those AMMO troops who have passed and we will continue this fund with the help of donations from all AMMO Chiefs. We would like to thank Grace for generously supporting and starting the fund.
I want to thank all the BOD and membership for their support and hard work in keeping the ACA the organization it is that will support the AMMO community. We are AMMO and we need to support those who continue our long traditions…IYA AMMO YAS!
Darrell Beasley, President