Midwest Chapter News

–          Re-elected Gary Knighton as Secretary/Treasure
–          We held several lunch get togethers
–          Held two formal meetings  during the year
–          Sponsored a hole for Air Force Sergeants local chapter  and WP Chief Group Golf Tournaments
–          Acknowledged the 4 AFMC’s Outstanding Munitions Performers for 2010
Members in good standing:
–          Mark Gossett – President
–          Don Myers – Vice President
–          Gary Knighton –  Secretary/Treasurer
–          Harvey Ridenoure
–          Billie Campbell
–          Butch Paskewitz
Projected CY2012 activities:
–          Hold several luncheons
–          Two membership meetings
–          Support the AFMC’s 2011 Outstanding Munitions Performers
–          Support either the WP AFB Chiefs Group and the Air Force Sergeants  Golf Tournament
–          Elect/Reelect President
–          Support 2012 ACA Reunion