Meeting was opened at Scully’s On the Bayou at 1730 by Darrell Beasley (Sec/Tres).
Members Present:
Jack Shields Jim Shelingoski Tom Wright
Danny Bridges John Greer Mark Madamba
Darrell Beasley Chucks Wills
1. Minutes from last meeting: Discuss/approve report from 18 Apr 09. Darrell, motioned, seconded by Mark. Members approved
2. Treasurers Report: Treasurer Report read. Ending balance is $3199.65.
3. Agenda:
a. Golf tournament. Set up for 14 August 2009, 0800 shotgun start, Pines course. Will be a charity tourney to support the homeless veterans. John said we needed at lease 20 teams and gave out donation letters and asked all members to get out and solicit donations and teams.
b. Biloxi Trip. John will set up a trip in Sep, date TBD, and urged all members to once he sets a date we need to fill the bus, potential of ~$250.00 profit.
c. Belk charity sale. John briefed that the final tally for Belk Charity sales was $70.00 in the coffers.
d. 2010 ACA Reunion; ACA BOD and membership has asked for the ECC top host the 2010 reunion. All members again reciprocated 100% support. John and Jim will take the lead and start the process, but will need more help from membership as the years progresses.
e. August Social. Jim will set up an Aug social after the golf tournament, date, time and location TBD.
f. November Dinner/Dance. John gave quick update, rooms are reserved and he will again send out all the details in forth coming emails.
g. AMMO Call. We all thanked Jim for setting up the AMMO Call at Helen Back and all members stated everyone had a great time. Final bill for the AMMO Call was $513.99. Jim motioned and seconded by Jack that the ECC should sponsor an AMMO Call once a year in Apr. Motioned carried unanimously.
4. New Business:
a. ACA Elections. ACA BOD will send out a motion for membership vote to extend the current terms. Keep track of your emails and respond as you choose.
b. SE AMMO Bowl. ECC will support SE AMMO Bowl with $200.00. Waiting for official request from SE AMMO Bowl Director.
c. AMMO Hitches/Plates. Jack motioned, seconded by Jim to contact Dwight Howard and order 25 diamond plate hitches and 25 diamond plate license plate for sale locally and at the SE AMMO Bowl. Membership approved to contact Dwight and determine price and confirm delivery date prior to SE AMMO Bowl. Sec will contact Dwight and if delivery can be made by mid Jul, then place an order. Tom and Mark have already stated they will purchase one.
c. Informational/Guest Speaker. Mark gave a quick informational briefing on how to apply for concealed weapon permit and also if any member is a member of the NRA or wants to become a member, get in touch with Mark and, as an official recruiter, for all renewal or new membership dues collected by Mark, the NRA will give the ECC $10.00.
9. Income. None.
10. Agenda items for next meeting…
a. Biloxi Trip.
b. 2010 Reunion Report.
c. November Dinner/Dance.
11. The next meeting was set for Aug Jim Shelingoski, date, and time to be announced.
12. Motion by Danny and Seconded by Mark to adjourn at 1900hrs. Motion carried unanimously. Spent $79.88 for beer and pizzas.
Take care and keep your powder dry. Darrell H. Beasley Secretary