by Chief Master Sergeant Mike Eisenberg
388th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Munitions Flight Chief
7/5/2010 – HILL AFB, Utah – On June 23, 2010, the Air Force munitions community said farewell to one of its greatest supporters! There was standing room only in the spacious Hill Aerospace Museum for the retirement of Colonel Randy B. Tymofichuk.
Colonel Tymofichuk was the 309th Missile Maintenance Group Commander at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. He led depot maintenance and repair for all Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles in support of USSTRATCOM requirements. His group was directly responsible for the assembly and transport of rocket motors for Missile Defense Agency test launches and aging and surveillance testing on various solid rocket motors, munitions, and associated equipment.
He served in critical positions in missile operations and maintenance at every echelon in the Air Force to include key staff positions at Numbered Air Force, MAJCOM, and Headquarters United States Air Force, as well as commanding at the squadron and three times at the group level.
It was an incredible sight to witness as supporters came out in groves! Many were Air Force General Officers, Commanders, munitions personnel, retirees, and civilians who worked with or under him while he was Commander of the 75th Maintenance Group, Commander, 784th Combat Sustainment Group, and Commander, 309th Missile Maintenance Group.
This retirement ceremony was especially significant in that Colonel Tymofichuk was bestowed the honor of being nominated and inducted as an honorary member of the Ammo Chiefs Association. His certificate and coin were presented by CMSgt (Ret) Calandra, CMSgt (Ret) Maurer, CMSgt (Ret) Fallen, CMSgt Eisenberg, and (C)MSgt Jones. Colonel Tymofichuk was truly touched to have received such an honor from a group he has respected throughout his career.
The persistent theme from guest speakers, friends, and family was the Colonel’s unwavering dedication and devotion to the advancement of the munitions community and his sincere caring for the personnel that worked for or around him. Although he has retired, his legacy to the munitions community will definitely live on!