All posts by Bob Yeager

AMMO Day Proposal

Folks we’re looking for your input and feedback on the below proposal.  Please let us know what you think by adding a comment below.


Jimmy Taylor has made the suggestion to Fred O’Hern and John Greer that the AMMO Veterans and AMMO Chief Associations co-sponsor and select a name / title and date for a worldwide “AMMO Day.” Initial reactions have been generally in favor of this initiative. The ACA Board of Directors (BOD) has suggested “AMMO Awareness Day” as the name to be given the occasion with the date for its implementation still under consideration.

In Jimmy’s words – – “AMMO Day” would essentially be a day on which Ammo Troops would get together for a social and fun day, ranging from BBQs, softball games, beer calls, and maybe something as simple as inviting the Ammo Troops in your neighborhood to share a beer at the local VFW.”

With the number of AMMO social events already on the calendar for the rest of this year, we anticipate a start date sometime in the Spring or Summer of 2018.

Fred suggested we consider Armed Forces Day (third Saturday in May) as it would be in line with the creation of the Ordnance Department on 14 May, 1812.

Bart Ivy has suggested either the 1st Saturday in July to line up with the creation of the Army Air Force (AAF) Ammunition Career Field in 1945 or the 1st Saturday in March to coincide with the creation of the Air Force Munitions Career Field in 1953.

Mike Roylance suggested we consider the 4th of December (St. Barbara’s Day) for AMMO Day. (re: St. Barbara’s Day at Wikipedia). Briefly and for your information, Saint Barbara became the patron saint of artillerymen. She is also traditionally the patron of armorers, military engineers, gunsmiths, tunnellers, miners and anyone else who worked with cannon and explosives. She is invoked against thunder and lightning and all accidents arising from explosions of gunpowder. The U.S. Army, Navy and Marines honor this day, as well as many other foreign military ordnance disciplines around the world.

These dates were pulled from background papers / historical documents, some may be debatable but are accurate to the best of our knowledge. Again, any feedback / corrections would be appreciated to either the ACA or to the AVA at Jimmy’s email address. Robert Yeager is also posting this on the web site so your comments can be posted there.

Our two organizations shouldn’t designate this events name or annual date for “AMMO Day” without running the proposal by the respective general memberships. That also includes as many other non-member AMMO troops as possible through the social media sites for all their comments / suggestions and recommendations including either the approval or disapproval of the suggestion entirely. Any and all feedback is welcome, the sooner the better but NLT 31 August, 2017.

We think Jimmy’s idea has merit and ask all AMMO Troops give some serious consideration to the proposal. Our two AMMO organizations (AVA and ACA) would offer as much promotional support and advertisement to AMMO Day as possible. It would be an excellent opportunity for worldwide Active Duty / Guard / Reserve AMMO organizations, regional ACA Chapters / AVA groups as well as any individual Retired or ex-AMMO Troop to get together with their peers socially in remembrance of our AMMO Heritage.

DoD to Open Online Exchange Shopping to Veterans

WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2017 — The Defense Department announced today that veterans will soon be able to shop online at military exchanges.

AAFES logo

The policy change will extend limited online military exchange shopping privileges to all honorably discharged veterans of the military, DoD officials said in a news release.

The shopping benefit will be effective this Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2017.

While shopping privileges exclude the purchase of uniforms, alcohol and tobacco products, it includes the Exchange Services’ dynamic online retail environment known so well to service members and their families, the release said. The change follows careful analysis, coordination and strong public support, officials said in the release.

“We are excited to provide these benefits to honorably discharged veterans to recognize their service and welcome them home to their military family,” said Peter Levine, performing the duties for the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness.

“In addition, this initiative represents a low-risk, low-cost opportunity to help fund morale, welfare and recreation programs in support of service members’ and their families’ quality of life. And it’s just the right thing to do,” Levine added.

The online benefit will also strengthen the exchanges’ online businesses to better serve current patrons. Inclusion of honorably discharged veterans would conservatively double the exchanges’ online presence, according to DoD officials, thereby improving the experience for all patrons through improved vendor terms, more competitive merchandise assortments and improved efficiencies.

“As a nation, we are grateful for the contributions of our service members,” Levine said. “Offering this lifetime online benefit is one small, tangible way the nation can say, ‘Thank you’ to those who served with honor.”

Chrome and Firefox Phishing Attack

The below information was received from the founder and CEO of Wordfence which is a security plugin used on WordPress sites.

This information is related to Chrome & Firefox browsers.  Please read and share with others.  This has the potential to cause serious problems for those who may inadvertently access one of the malicious sites.

This is an unscheduled public service announcement which we consider urgent and in the interests of the broader online community.

A phishing attack is being discussed in the security community today that allows an attacker to register a domain that appears identical to a known safe domain in the web browser. They can use this domain to launch phishing attacks that trick you into handing over your username and password information.

This attack makes it impossible to tell if you are on a safe site or a malicious site by looking at the location bar in your browser. This affects the current versions of Chrome and Firefox.

We have published a public service announcement that provides a working demonstration using a health care website. We also let you know how to fix the issue if you use Firefox and what to do if you are using Google Chrome.

You can find the full post on our blog…


Mark Maunder

Wordfence Founder & CEO