To: ACAVC Membership
Subject: ACAVC Meeting Minutes
1. Date, Time, Location: December 6, 2008, 2:00 pm (1400), McCullough household.
2. Purpose: General membership meeting. The ACAVC General Membership meeting was conducted at Bill McCullough’s house with a social event to follow.
3. Attendees: A quorum was present (9 of 16 members).
Richard W. Pennington (President)
Jack Miller (Vice President)
Wilbur McCullough (Secretary/Treasurer)
Michael Gavin
John A. Matthews
Michael Robertson
Philip Kennedy
Frank Waterman (Proxy)
Tom McConnell (Proxy)
[Note: Bernie White (dropped by and paid dues – had a funeral to attend)]
4. The following Agenda Items were discussed:
a. The Secretary read the minutes from the June 28, 2008 meeting.
i. Motion to accept – Rich.
ii. Seconded – Jack.
iii. Unanimously approved.
b. The Treasurer went over the current fiscal status. The previous balance was $1594.90. $50.00 was deposited for John Usefara’s ACA and Chapter dues, $109.50 was deposited for Frank’s 10 coins ($80.00), the half-and half drawing ($62.50), and Ricky’s polo shirts ($30.00) after paying $63.00 for food. $963.75 was spent on purchasing new coins. The current balance is $790.65. Chapter dues are due. Please mail to AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65944, Hampton, VA 23665-5944. ACA dues may be sent to the above address or straight to: ACA, 6046 SW 98 Loop, Ocala, FL 34476. (Note: Financial report not approved pending resolution of 50/50 draw deposit question by Mike Gavin.) During the meeting, chapter dues were paid by Bernie, Mike Gavin, Rich, John Matthews, Phil, Bill, Jack, and Mike Robertson ($200.00). Mike Robertson also paid his remaining ACA life membership dues ($100.00). Bernie and Phil paid annual ACA dues ($50.00). An additional 37 coins were paid for at the meeting ($296.00).
5. Old Business:
a. Awards Committee: The 4th quarter award packages are being reviewed at ACC. The ACC board should meet on or about 15 Jan 09.
b. Membership: Mike Gavin and Mike Robertson will talk to Scott Heistercamp, Rich Bussell, and Eddie Fuquay to determine if they are interested in joining. Bill mentioned he had very positive indications from Rich. Based on some of the comments we received about the e-mail system being flooded with junk mail, we discussed sending out meeting agendas via the U.S. Postal Service to certain members. This may help get the word out.
c. Fundraising: The coins sales went well and the order of the new coins came in. The group decided to keep the price at $8.00 for each coin. The local Langley racetrack is struggling financially and our Ammo troop connection is no longer there.. The group decided to drop this endeavor from the list of potential fund-raisers. We discussed running bowling or golf tournaments and possibly getting some bodies in at an air show booth (must team with a base-approved charitable organization).
d. Sunset Committee: No recent requests for assistance and no news of fellow Ammo Chiefs in dire straits. However, there is a MSgt in North Carolina dying of ALS. Mike Gavin will check into the situation and we will see if we can help.
e. Rich mentioned the ACA web site is being set up to link inputs from the chapters.
6. New Business:
a. The present ACAVC members reviewed three first-termer Ammo airman award packages and selected AIC Adam N. Jones from McGuire AFB as the winner. Frank Waterman will be contacted to present the award consisting of an ACAVC coin, certificate, letter, and $50.00 check. Rich acquired a nice certificate frame for the presentation to be mailed to Frank.
b. There are two holiday assistance candidates this year – one from Seymour-Johnson AFB and one from Langley AFB. Rich will take care of the troop at Shady J and Mike Gavin will do the shopping for the troop at Langley. We should get a check for $250.00 from the ACA to help support this program. Placing an article in the local base paper was discussed. If done, the plan is to keep the name of the recipients confidential with the goal of highlighting our charitable efforts. Mike Robertson volunteered to write the article. Rich stated he will send a letter to the ACA with the details of this year’s benevolence.
i. Motion to accept – Mike Gavin.
ii. Seconded – John Matthews.
iii. Unanimously approved.
c. As an informational item, the group was informed about the recent rule change which permits military retirees, and active duty personnel not in uniform, to render salutes to the American Flag and during the National Anthem.
d. ACA info.
1). Associates’ dues were discussed. Bill will do a letter to Fred O’Hern requesting John Usefara, TJ, and Jeff Bunney be grandfathered since they have been with the organization for years. This would treat them as “lapsed” members and they could pick up paying dues from here on out. John already sent his dues in. Associate members will receive a coin but cannot vote.
2). Membership letters were sent out to the recent Chief selects and one joined, two said they would, and four asked for applications.
3). The request to match up to $250.00 for chapter donations to help out Ammo troops will be brought up at the January ACA meeting.
e. The chapter reviewed the proposed 2009 budget. We plan to continue the annual $250.00 donation to the Richard Gauvin Memorial Scholarship Fund. On a side note, a question was asked if this showed up in the CFC catalog yet. Bill checked the 2009 catalog and it wasn’t listed. Rich will check with Pat Adams at AFCOMAC on the status of being listed for the CFC. Based on the $250.00 match from the ACA, it was recommended we drop our portion of the holiday help to $250.00. John Matthews recommended we increase our annual social fund budget to $200.00 to mitigate out-of-pocket expenses. Rich mentioned the CAF Conference icebreaker is to be held at the new Langley AFB Munitions Flight Administrative building. Based on this, it was requested that $100.00 be placed in the budget to support this effort. Mike Gavin mentioned $75.00 will be needed for an initial set-up for the hat order. (Note: A total of three motions were made as the meeting progressed. The final one is listed below.)
i. Motion to accept – John Matthews .
ii. Seconded – Phil Kennedy.
iii. Unanimously approved.
f. The 2009 calendar was discussed. The proposed meeting dates are March 28 and July 18 at Langley, September 19 at Mike Robertson’s house, and December 5 at Bill’s house. We will insert the January ACA report due dates and the dates for the May CAF Conference icebreaker at Langley AFB. A placeholder will be put in the calendar for a possible September/October fishing trip.
g. We discussed any changes in programs to be supported in 2009. No changes but we will take whatever inputs we can get from the membership.
h. John Matthews was looking for inputs for the Shell and Flame. To date, he received no 2008 ACA Reunion inputs or John Greer’s quarterly input. Rich will generate a letter for submittal. Anyone else may send their inputs directly to John Matthews.
i. The election results for the position of ACAVC President was announced. Mike Gavin is our new Chapter President effective January 1, 2009.
j. Mike Gavin recommended we establish a by-laws committee for the chapter. The effort will help address tax and associates issues as well as make the chapter name change official. Mike Robertson volunteered to lead the committee and Phil and John Matthews are members. Bill will send the latest edition to the committee. Once completed, the committee will send the DRAFT to Mike Gavin and we will do a final review at the March 28 meeting. If approved by the membership, we’ll send the new by-laws to the ACA Secretary.
k. Our long-term goals were discussed. We seem to be limited by our membership size, budget, and geographic separation. Based on travel constraints, we believe our region is as big as it can get (PA, MD, DE, NJ, VA, WVA, NC). The inclusion of more active duty Ammo Chiefs is a must since we do not want to be perceived as a retiree organization.
l. Membership was polled regarding if there were any changes needed to our processes. None were mentioned.
m. The ACA web site has a new host. It is now supposed to be like a portal. We should be able to insert our items to the ACAVC page. Mike Robertson will work with Rich McVey on it. Since the site is free to the chapters, ACA pays the yearly fees. We also need to police the site to keep unwanted users or inappropriate information off of it.
n. Agenda item for fund-raising committee head withdrawn by Mike Gavin.
o. Rich will send out a note to the membership on a synopsis of the reunion, see attachment.
p. Frank Waterman wanted to pass on his thanks for the MS ride support.
q. The floor was opened for discussion.
(1) Mike Gavin stated he found a good hat. The setup fee is $75.00. The group decided to go with the logo showing the flaming pisspot in the Chief’s stripe. Line item added to budget (see “e” above).
i. Motion to accept – John Matthews.
ii. Seconded – Phil Kennedy.
iii. Unanimously approved.
(2) Rich mentioned the Charter Chiefs will be meeting at Barksdale AFB in 2009 for a reunion. They are selling a limited amount of coins for $10 each and Rich polled the group. Bill (1), Phil (1), Jack (2), Mike Gavin (1), Mike Robertson (1) John Matthews (2) Rich (3). The 11 coins have been order through Langley Chief Group.
7. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm (1600).
i. Motion to adjourn — Rich.
ii. Seconded – Mike Gavin.
iii. Unanimously passed and meeting adjourned.
8. The group socialized and dined for a while.
9. The next meeting is planned for March 28, 2009 at Langley AFB.
Wilbur C. McCullough III
ACAVC Secretary-Treasurer