The General Membership Meeting was held on Saturday, November 6th, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. The meeting was coincidental with the 6th Bi-Annual Reunion of the ACA. A quorum as required by the Constitution was present for the conduct of business.
The GMM opened with a report on the State of the ACA from President Darrrell Beasley (published separately) Treasurer Danny Bridges reported that the financial balance is $16,942.65 and that an FY2011 budget has been prepared and submitted to the Board of Directors for comment/approval.
Secretary Fred O’Hern noted that a thank you from AFCOMAC for our contributions to the Gauvin Fund has been received; current active membership is 154 (102 life and 36 annual); the ACA is a 501 (c ) 19 tax exempt organization, incorporated as a Not for Profit Florida Corporation, and exempt from Florida Sales Tax.
A motion was made (FO, 2nd LD) to allocate $2,000 in the upcoming budget for the procurement and presentation of Ammo Memorial Plaques at the Enlisted Heritage Museum (Gunter AFS); and the Rocky Mountain Aerospace Museum (Denver, old Lowry AFB hangar). Approved AIF Note: originally $4,000 had been allocated for the plaques at the AF Museum and Armament Museum, $2,137 remains unspent and will be earmarked for these plaques.
Mike Curran motion, 2nd DB that we investigate outsourcing management of the web-site; Dwight Howard to action for the BOD. Approved with AIF Note: Rich McVey was thanked for his efforts at maintaining the site for the last 10 years. The site has recently had problems with virus infection, these appear to have been resolved as Google, Internet Explorer, and AOL now do not block access.
VP Rich Pennington made an appeal for inputs to the upcoming edition of the Shell and Flame; Note: the newsletter will only by mailed to those who do not have an e:mail address.
A proposed change to the Constitution was discussed at length.
The following motion (MG, 2nd MC) passed with all in favor: Extend the term of office the the incumbent President, Treasurer, Chief @ Arms, and two Directors to 31 December 2011 (from 31 December 2010). Thus all current incumbents terms of office will expire 31 December 2011.
A second motion (FO, 2nd DB) to change the constitutional terms of office was approved by majority vote: i.e. Amend the ACA Constitution by establishing the term of office fo all officers as four (4) years; all offices to be elected and serve concurrent terms of office; officers to serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms (for the same position). Note: All members are invited to vote and/or comment on the proposed amendment; please comment not later than 13 December 2010.
The floor gave a hearty round of thanks for the Reunion Committee and in particular to Big John and Doris for their efforts in making this the best Reunion ever.
Fred O’Hern, Secretary, IYA Ammo YAS
PS-All annual members are reminded that annual dues of $25 are payable by 31 Jan 2011.