Members Present:
John Greer (Prez);Jim Shelingoski (VP); Darrell Beasley (Sec/Tres); Tom Zima;Nick Sims; Danny Bridges; Mark Madamba; Tom Wright; Johnny Long; Jack Shields; Sam Giardinia; Dave Oz; Brian Jones
1. Meeting was opened at Scully’s at 1700 by John Greer. Minutes from last meeting: Discuss/approve report from 1 May10. Tom motioned, sectioned by Danny. Members approved
2. Treasurers Report: Ending balance for 26 Aug10 is $5536.86 in checking, $5.00 in savings, $154.00 in cash and $1,075.00 in assets with a total worth of $6770.86.
3. Agenda:
a. AMMO Call for the Northeast Florida area. Prez thanks all who helped put this together. Everyone had a great time and look forward to doing this again in Nov for the reunion.
b. Spring picnic. Prez thanked Jim and Sam for all the work and cooking of the beer butt chickens. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the day.
c. Golf Tournament; Prez gave report of the 25 Jun Golf tournament. Still waiting to finalized last minute inputs, but looks like we made around $3,000 and $1000 will go to the Okaloosa Special Olympics. The next tournament is scheduled for 24 Sep, but Prez mentioned that is may be better if we move to Oct. The fundraiser is not necessary for the Reunion costs but will keep us in the black for the 2011 events. Motioned by Johnny/Tom to look at moving tournament to mid Oct and approved. The prez contacted the course and the next tournament is scheduled for 15 Oct 10. Now we need all the membership to get out and get sponsors, door prizes and teams.
d. 2010 ACA Reunion; We have about 20 folks signed up for the reunion and now we need all the local members to send in their signup sheets. The ACA prez will get an email out to all ACA members to signup for the reunion.
e. Okaloosa County Mental Health Association. Presented the ECC a plaque in appreciation for our support of the homeless veterans. Have invited us to join their organization. Annual Membership is $60.00. Johnny motioned and seconded by Chuck W. Discussion proceeded and Darrell questioned what the actual membership will do for the ECC and the Health Association. After further discussion motioned was tabled. Motion was made to donate to the Association by Mark/Tom and membership approved donating $100 to the Association.
4. New Business:
a. Museum ACA Plaque presentation. Johnny stated we are set for 4 Nov at 1400 to make the ACA AMMO Plaque presentation at the AA Museum. He will get the setup done and script for the presentation. Also will look at inviting an AMMO colonel to speak.
b. Mark Madamba brought up an idea to recognize members who increase membership by the ACA. ACA Prez Darrell stated that the ACA is increasing in membership with the new European Chapter.
c. Muscular Dystrophy asks for $100.00 Hole Sponsor of their tournament. Motions by Tom/Danny and approved.
d. Helen Back has asked if the ACA would like to decorate their AMMO Bar. Jim/Danny motioned to press with this but added that a committee be formed to ensure we do not add any illegal decorations. If you have any thing you would like to donate please get with Jim or Danny.
5. Income;
a. Dues collected: Shields ECC lifetime $25.00.
b. Fines collected: None.
c. Other: 2 AMMO Hitches $60.00, $10.00 Tom Zima for reunion, $25.00 Tom Zima donation for not making all the functions, AMMO Plate $25.00.
6. Agenda items for next meeting…
a. ACA Reunion.
7. The next meeting will be set up at Scully’s on the Bayou in Sep TBD, at 1700hrs.
8. Motion by Danny and seconded by Johnny to adjourn at 1815hrs.
Take care and keep your powder dry. Darrell