Originally posted March 20th
Get your reservations in the 2010 reunion; (hotel room rates will range from $79-$109); activities are: Dedication of ACA Plague at Armament Museum,Thurs the 4th @ 1400; Ice Breaker for Thurs, AMMO Call for Fri and Golf, Dinner/Dance for Sat. Breakfast on Sunday. There will be an ACA General Meeting at a conveinient time. The reunion is being hosted by the Emerald Coast Chapter. Reservations are required by 15 September and an e:mail confirmation that you plan ASAP (ammobeasley@cox.net and/or bigjohn461@bellsouth.net) . Below is a sign-up sheet with details of individual events!
Start making your plans to attend and enjoy the camaraderie. This is our 10th Anniversary Reunion, lets make it the best yet.
6th AMMO Chiefs Association Reunion 4-7 November 2010
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Fellow ACA Member. If you intend to participate in the events below, please fill in the appropriate blocks, costs, and totals. The Total costs at the bottom right must be remitted NLT 15 Sep with this sheet to ensure pre-paid event costs are covered. We would like to get a head count ASAP so please send us an email to let us know you are coming. You can make reservations at the hotel under code ACR (Ammo Chiefs Reunion), 850-244-8686. Room rates are $79, $89, and $109 for the suite.
Full name of attending ACA Member: __________________________________________________________
Guest Name/s: _____________________________________________________________________________
Contact Address: ____________________________________________________Phone: _________________
ICEBREAKER – 4 Nov, 1800-2000 (Vegetable Crudites w/assorted dip, tomato basil/mozzarella Bruschetta finger sandwiches, chicken quesadillas/ guacamole)
Number attending:_____ X $10.00 = $___________
FISHING TRIP- 5 Nov, 0630-1330 (Deep Sea Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico). This trip may cancel due to changing fishing regulations, but we will still plan to go and make refunds if a no go.
Number Fishing:_____ X $70.00 = $___________
AMMO CALL – 5 Nov, 1800-2200 (Keg beer and pizza at Helen Back Bar)
Number attending:_____ X $10.00 = $___________
LADIES NITE OUT – 5 Nov, 1800-2200 (Pay as you go dinner)
Number attending:_____
ACA AMMO GOLF OUTING – 6 Nov, 0900-1200 (Gator Lakes, Hurlburt Field) Pay at the Course
Number of Golfers: _____
COAT AND TIE, SIT DOWN DINNER AND DANCE – 6 Nov, 1800-2300 Meal Choices: (Choose One Per Attendee) (Includes meal with salad, mixed veggies, garlic mashed potatoes, bread, coffee/tea, dessert.)
Prime Rib # ___________ or Chicken Cordon Bleu: # ___________
Number Dining:_____ X $30.00 = $___________
BREAKFAST, BUFFET STYLE – 7 Nov 0730-0930 (Scrambled eggs, sausage/bacon, home-style potatoes, grits, biscuits/gravy, orange juice, coffee, tea) at the hotel icebreaker room. Note: Must have at least 30 people to signup for this or it will be cancelled.
Number Dining:_____ X $10.00 = $___________
TOTAL REMITTED: $___________
Add Total costs in the right hand column and remit this amount by cash or check made out to: ACA Emerald Coast Chapter”.
Mail your check and this sheet to: Darrell Beasley
53A Country Club Rd.
Shalimar, Fl. 32579
PS-If you are delinquent on your dues, please remit an additional $25 for 2010 dues.
(Recommend you cut and paste the appropriate parts of this to your word processor and print out your sheet to mail along with your check. Thanks)