Retroactive Stop Loss

Please pass on this summary of information regarding “stop loss pay” that the DoD is offering. This pay is a “thank you” for those individuals who had an approved retirement or separation in the system but were kept in the service due to stop loss as a result of post 9/11 surge requirements.

Here are the main points:
– $500/month for each month Stop Lossed
– Not eligible if received a bonus
– AF Stop Loss Periods are 2 Oct 2001-31 Jan 2003 & 2 May – 31 Dec 2003
– Last day to apply is 21 Oct 10

DOD Stop Loss Link:

Since these individuals have probably since retired or separated and are no longer active duty, we’re still passing the word out through active duty channels in case anyone knows anyone that would benefit from this pay and could contact them–“tell a friend” method. So please pass this out to your functional communities to help spread the word. AF/A1PPS is using civilian/social networking advertising methods as well to try and get the word out.

If you have any questions, please contact Maj Eries Gibson, Chief, Separations and Retirements Branch, HQ USAF/A1PPS, DSN 222-4532 / COMM (703) 692-4532