Rest In Peace, Brian Murphy

We lost an iconic AMMO Troop.  MSgt-Retired Brian “Hoss” Murphy passed away this weekend in California.  Funeral details, contact info is below.  Ruben Serna has offered to present any stories or statements about Brian at his funeral in California, so if you knew Brian, please take the time so his family and friends can fully understand the measure of a man he was in the AMMO community–forward directly to Ruben at his email address below.

Please share this unfortunate news with your units.

Chief Heisterkamp

Hoss’s funeral service will be;
Date/Time: Saturday 18 December at 1100.
Location: Nativity of Lady Catholic Church
Address: 221 Daly Ave, San Luis Obispo, Calf 93405

Ammo Coins can be sent to Hoss’s parents house.
Name: Bill and Freda Murphy
1768 Royal Way, San Luis Obispo, Calf 93405

Mr. Murphy has asked me that if there are any stories or statements
about Brian that I would like to say at his funeral. I do have a story
to address and if you or any Ammo Troops out there would like for me to address I will make sure he gets them and I can relay for you at the service memorial.

Just email back to me and I will carry them with me to the funeral

Thank You,

Ruben M. Serna
Command Weapons Safety Manager
DSN 487-9276, Comm (210) 652-9276
Fax DSN 487-6982, Comm (210) 652-6982

Email: Ruben.Serna@RANDOLPH.AF.MIL

Thanks to Bill McCullough for passing this info along.