All posts by Mike Robertson

ACA Attends Central AMMO Bowl

Central AMMO Bowl, 30 Aug – 1 Sep 24

AMMO Chief (Ret.) Phil Kennedy attended the Central AMMO Bowl on behalf of the ACA BOD and membership.

30 Aug, Friday: Started with an icebreaker (AMMO call), free food and beer as long as it lasted, tons of AMMO swag, and live band. Great time had by all in attendance.   

31 Aug, Sat: 

a. Opening ceremony – helicopter delivery of the first pitch, AF Color Guard from Sheppard presented the colors and the singing of the National Anthem, Invocation, Welcome speech, First pitch (I threw out the first pitch and I did get it to the catcher), and the tournament started at 0915; 

b. There were six (6) teams in the tournament – Barksdale, Minot, Sheppard, Whiteman, APU (AMMO Punishment University), and Texas Connection; 

c. Free Lunch at 1300 – Provided by SUGG’s SHAKE-A-BONE BBQ;

d. Home Run Derby at 1300; First day of the tournament concluded at approximately 1600.

1 Sep, Sunday:

???a. Tournament Round Robin (double eliminations) games resumed at 0900;

      b. Championship game, APU vs. TX Connection, 1500; winner TX Connection;

      c. Trophy/Awards presented;

          1) Team trophy;

          2) Big Stick (most home runs);

          3) Gold Glove (chosen by the Runner up team);

          4) MVP (chosen by the winning team)

          5) All Tournaments Honors;

Tournament Sponsors or organizations associated with this year’s Central AMMO Bowl:

1.   ACA;

2.   Delta Hotel by Marriott-AMMO Call (five (5) minutes from the Wichita Falls Sports Complex);

3.   AV8 Band at AMMO Call;

4.   Wichita Falls Sports Complex;

5.   SUGG’s SHAKE-A-BONE BBQ food truck;6

6.   Juvenate-Health Care & Wellness Center;

7.   Air Evac Lifeteam (flew in the first pitch ball);

8.   AMMO-DOG.COM (AMMO Swag, etc. Drove all the way from Ft. Walton, FL);


10. Louisville Slugger Representative (handed out a bat to the winner of the Home Run Derby and tournament MVP);

Overall, one to the better tournaments I’ve been to in a long time…   ?????        

Phil Kennedy

ACA Director-at-Large

ACA Visit to 363rd TRS Schoolhouse

AMMO Chief (Ret.) Phil Kennedy visited the Schoolhouse on behalf of the ACA BOD on 29 August 2024. He visited with SMSgt Robert Denson, the Senior Enlisted Leader for the 363d Training Squadron. He just arrived at the schoolhouse replacing SMSgt Amen (CMSgt select) who PCS’d to Minot.

Later on, he met the Commander of the 363d, Lt. Col Kevin Kuwel and their hospitality was outstanding. There was a graduating class of 2W1 and Logistic Management students at 1300, which he addressed. Unfortunately, there was no 2W0s graduating. Maybe next time…

There was a CC call at 1430, in which he was invited to address the instructors and handed out the three (3) AMMO Spirit Awards at the schoolhouse (see attached pixs).

1) to Lt Col Kuwel, 363d TS CC 2) (T)Sgt Bing 3) TSgt Vogel (absent)     

He also had a discussion with SMSgt Dension about the AHM model in the schoolhouse. He was very receptive to the idea and we went searching for an ideal spot to put it. There’s a trophy case (attached pic) at the main entrance to the schoolhouse that has enough room to display a model.

Phillip “Phil” Kennedy

ACA Director-at-Large

2016 AMMO Chiefs Association Reunion: 26 to 30 October 2016 on the Riverwalk in San Antonio TX

Fellow Chiefs, ACA Members and Spouses,

This email is being directed to you as someone who previously indicated that you’re planning to attend this year’s reunion!

Your San Antonio Reunion Planning Team has developed an exciting and fun-filled reunion schedule for your enjoyment.  The activities our team has planned are intended to ensure everyone would find something of interest to participate in during your short, but festive stay in the Alamo City.

I have attached two documents (in PDF format).  The first is our Schedule of Events that also contains a description of the activities you and your significant other can sign-up for and the second is your reunion sign-up sheet.  Please note that some activities have a minimum or a maximum number of participants that is normally dictated by the transportation requirement.

For those activities with a maximum number of participants we will do everything in our power to accommodate all that sign up for the event. For those with a minimum number, if we don’t get enough people to sign-up for an event we will notify you of that condition and refund all fees paid for that event after the final sign-up cut-off date.

BOTTOM LINE: Return your sign-up sheets early to ensure you have reserved a spot in the activities that you want to attend.

Here’s what to do:
1.      Review the schedule of events, pick those events you want to
participate in and sign-up for them on a PRINTED COPY OF THE SIGN-UP SHEET.
2.      Fill out the top portion of the sign-up sheet (name, address, etc.).  Be sure to indicate the banquet entree and number selection for everyone attending.
3.      Calculate the amount owed for the individual events you selected as well as a total amount.
4.      Write a check made out to “Ammo Chiefs Association” for the total amount due, place your check and sign-up sheet in an envelope and mail it to me at the address shown on the sign-up sheet.
5.      Click on the link at the bottom of the sign-up sheet, it will open a
web page where you can make your hotel reservation (the link pre-fills in the group code to ensure you get the discounted room rate).

1.      Sign-up to attend the reunion and the planned events of your choice – NLT 1 Sept 2016
2.      Make your hotel reservation – NLT 25 Sept 2016
3.      Cancel a hotel reservation – NLT Midnight, 24 Oct 2016

Information about the Holiday Inn Riverwalk San Antonio and what is available in the hotel and each guest room can be found on their website (view this information after you’ve made your room reservation using the link provided on the sign-up sheet).  Here’s some additional information specific to our ACA Reunion agreement with the hotel:
1.      Discounted room rate is $134 per room per night (+ 16.25% taxes).  This room rate is guaranteed for a period of time extending 3 days before until three days after our reunion dates (23 Oct to 2 Nov 2016).  We initially have 50 rooms blocked under this group code.  If we need more, I’m fairly sure the hotel will accommodate us.
2.      Parking fees in the hotel’s garage are normally $25/night, for our reunion this was discounted to $15/night.
3.      The hotel has a great restaurant (Windows on the River) on premise that offers our group a discounted full American breakfast for $12/person daily.
4.      We will have full use of a ballroom (The Fiesta Ballroom) located on the second floor of the hotel as our hospitality suite between the hours of 6:30 AM till 11:30 PM daily during our reunion dates.  This room will be setup with tables and chairs, a refrigerator and a wet bar/kitchenette.  We will stock it with various beverages (beer, wine, alcohol, sodas, bottled water, etc.) and snacks. One of our volunteers will normally be there to assist as needed.
5.      Other discounts applied to our reunion activities include: waived bartender fees for the reception and banquet, waived room fees for all ACA Reunion activities held at the hotel, discounted menu prices on the banquet dinners, and a complimentary hospitality room.

I will send out other pertinent information helpful in planning your travel (car rental agencies, transportation to/from the airport and hotel, etc.) by email, individually, after I receive your sign-up sheets.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email them to me.

On behalf of the SATX Reunion Planning Team consisting of Fred Schoettler, Fred Lee, Steve West, James Biggerstaff, John Rivard and myself, we hope that all of you can attend and we look forward to seeing you in the Alamo City this October!

Joe Dominguez
2016 ACA Reunion Boss

2016 Reunion Signup Sheet_Final

2016 ACA Reunion Schedule_Final