ACAMC Quarterly Meeting Minutes March 18, 2014

Subject: ACAMC Meeting Minutes

1.  Date, Time, Location:  March 15, 2014, 1:10 PM (1300 hours), HQ ACC Munitions Conference Room (Langley AFB, VA).

2.  Purpose:  General membership meeting. 

3.  Attendees:  A quorum was present (13 of 19 voting members).  


Eddie Fuquay (President)

Stuart “Nik” Nikolas (Vice President)

Bill McCullough(Secretary/Treasurer)

Richard Pennington

John Matthews

Mike Gavin

Ricky Hamada

Robert Byrd

Rick Follett

Jackie Miller

Phil Kennedy (Proxy)

Frank Waterman (Proxy)

John Cecere (Proxy)

Associates Members:

“TJ” Jensen,

“Jake” Jacobsen,

John Usefara


4.  The following agenda items were discussed:

a.  Bill McCullough presented the minutes from the December 7, 2013 meeting.

Motion to accept –  Mike Gavin

Seconded – Eddie Fuquay

Unanimously approved


b.  Bill presented the fiscal report for the meeting.  Our balance is $ positive, with one outstanding check of $50.00.

Motion to accept – Ricky Hamada

Seconded – John Matthews

Unanimously approved


5.  Old Business:       

a.  Awards Committee:  OPR Mike Robertson, Bill McCullough.  There were no quarterly or annual award winners from our area. 

b.  Membership Status:  Nineteen Chiefs and four Associate Members. 

c.  Fundraising: 

Nik sold $120.00 worth of coins.  He has 25 coins left. 

Shirts continue to be sold at a discounted rate to close out our inventory.  These are pure profit since John Matthews donated them to the chapter. 

We received a check for our fundraising effort at Richmond International Raceway. 

Bill submitted the Form 8822B to the IRS on 6 January to change our address.  To date, he has not received a reply.  Bill will try to coordinate with Americrown if he does not get the address change in effect in time for the next RIR fundraiser. 

d.  Sunset Committee:  Bill passed on an update on Piper Wilhide and we will await requests from Piper’s family regarding any needed assistance.  Since Dave Nixon is going TDY, we will try to get info from SMSgts Farwell and King.  

e.  ACAMC participation and membership at meetings.  Ten members were at the March 15th  meeting.  In addition, we had three proxies so we easily met our quorum requirements.  Jackie Miller made the long trip from North Carolina.  Three Associate members attended the meeting.

f.  Bill briefed the members that the addresses for the Ammo Troops Care Package donors were given to Eddie.

g.  Rich received the December Shell and Flame inputs.  He would like the next inputs by the end of March.

h.   Bill told the group he mailed the $300.00 check to the Ammo Morale Team at Langley AFB.

i.  Bill briefed the group on the “Thank You” letter he received from SMSgt Cameron Johnson for the care packages.  Cameron stated snacks are the hot items. 

6.  New Business:

a.  The 2014 ACA Reunion was discussed.   Rich Pennington passed around a copy of the DRAFT signup sheet.  May 7th is the date Mike Roylance cited as needing the initial head count.  The hotel is $45.00 Monday-Thursday, and $75.00 Friday-Sunday (plus taxes and fees).  Jack Seaman moved to Las Vegas and will help put the reunion together.  Rick Follett will post reunion info on the ACA web site.   

b.  The 2014 calendar of events was updated to reflect the reunion dates and RIR schedule change.

c.  Bill showed the members the 15 numbered coins.  The price was $36.50.  Robert will check to see if the engraving can be done in house.  Bill gave a coin to him to experiment with.  

d.  The RIR April fundraising dates are now 25-26 April.  The one race was dropped from the schedule.  Kevin Hendershot will get the request into Americrown.

e.  TJ Jensen was able to contact the previous vendor to see about purchasing more hats.  They should be about $11-$12 each.  TJ is asking the Ammo troops to create a new logo. 

f.  Ricky Hamada briefed the membership that AFCOMAC was fully funded for 2014.

g.  Bill passed on the latest info for the Southeast Ammo Bowl (info only).

h.  The group discussed John Matthews’ proposal for recognizing active duty Ammo Chiefs.

Motion to send inputs on pros, cons, and methodology to Bill for discussion at the next meeting made by John Matthews

 Seconded – Rick Follett

 Passed by majority vote


i.  Phil Kennedy’s proposal to recognize retired Ammo Chiefs was discussed.

Motion to deny – Jackie Miller

Seconded – Eddie Fuquay

Passed by majority vote


j.  Bill passed around pictures of the “Welcome to Ammo Country” sign at Seymour-Johnson AFB (info only).  We were curious as to what the unit did for SSgt Shaffer’s efforts.

k.  The floor was opened to new business.

Ricky Hamada mentioned the ACA logo on the reunion sign-up sheet had the piss pot in a different location.  Nobody knew why.

Rick Follett mentioned the ACA web site guest page was hit by spammers, so he turned it off for a while.      

Mike Gavin told the group MSgt Steven White is suffering from ALS.  There was a walk-a-thon ongoing.

Motion to donate $50.00 – Mike Gavin

Seconded – Rick Follett

Passed unanimously (cash given to Mike)


 4)   Rich  wanted to remind everyone that the dress code for the RIR fundraiser is black pants and shoes to be worn with the Americrown hat and T-shirt.  He also noted all participants must have the certification training.  Eddie reminded all that ear protection may be helpful.  Eddie also foot-stomped the need for as much participation as possible.  Taking advantage of this fundraising opportunity circumvents our need to host other events to raise funds.  Kevin Hendershot is coordinating the effort.

5).  The numbered coins were distributed to the members who did not already have them.        

7.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:08PM (1408 hours).

Motion to adjourn – Bill McCullough

Seconded –  Eddie Fuquay

Adjourned by unanimous decision 


8.  The next meeting is scheduled for June 21, 2014 at a location in the Joint Base Langley-Eustis area.  A BBQ is to follow.

9.  After the meeting, the members and their present spouses (Myong Matthews and Rita Follett) enjoyed sandwiches, beverages, and munchies purchased by Eddie Fuquay.  Eddie donated a portion of the spread.


Wilbur C. McCullough III

Secretary, ACAMC