Congratulations to the following who have been selected for promotion to Ammo Chief in the 2011 cycle.
CMSgt(sel) Steven J. Bowersox, ACC/A4WC, Langley AFB VA.
CMSgt(sel) Robert Byrd, 731MUNS/MXW, Aviano AB IT.
CMSgt(sel) Kreg L. Carlson, 4EMS/MSMW, Seymour Johnson AFB NC.
CMSgt(sel) Corey J. Christians, 23EMS/MXMW, Moody AFB GA.
CMSgt(sel) Patrick Collins, ACC IG/IGIM, Langley AFB VA.
CMSgt(sel) Timothy W. Dye, 51MUNS/MXWP, Osan AB Korea.
CMSgt(sel) Ronnie W. Fischer, 28MUNS/MXWC, Ellsworth AFB SD.
CMSgt(sel) Dwight A. Hardy, 354MXS/MXM, Eielson AFB AK.
CMSgt(sel) David K. Knight Jr, 355EMS/MXMW, Shaw AFB SC.
CMSgt(sel) Robert M. Pellosma, 18MUNS/MXM, Kadena AB Japan.
CMSgt(sel) Richard Velasquez, AFGSC/A4MW, Barksdale LA.