Annual Status of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter Letter to ACA

AMMO Chief’s Association, Mid-Atlantic Chapter

2009 Annual Report

 December 31, 2009



The AMMO Chief’s Association, Mid-Atlantic Chapter (ACAMC) submits the following 2009 Annual Report to the ACA for review and filing in historical records.  We have also included a copy of our annual fiscal report for your review.  

As expected, 2009 proved to be another successful year for our Chapter.  The membership gathered four times to hold meetings, socialize, and plan for current and future events.  With the aid of proxy votes, we were able to have a quorum and conduct official business at all the scheduled meetings.  Our main efforts continue to be focused on working on implementing the personnel support initiatives such as, Airman Holiday Support program, recognition of Quarterly/Annual award winners.  In addition, we continue to stay visible and solicit new members into the Chapter.  To maximize participation we continue to float our meeting locations around to minimize travel on our regional members.  This year we meet at the 1st FW Administrative facility (March), ACC Munitions Division Conference room (June), Mike Robertson’s home in Dumfries, VA (Sep) and finished out the year with our annual Holiday social/meeting at Bill McCullough’s home in Fredericksburg, VA (Dec).

Early in 2009 we appointed a By-Laws Committee which completed the Chapter Bi-Annual review and made required recommendations to the membership at the Mar meeting.  A line by line review of the By-Laws was completed and all suggested changes were ratified and the membership voted to accept the recommendations.  It should be noted the ACA Virginia Chapter name has changed to ACA Mid-Atlantic Chapter (ACAMC).  Copies of the newly signed By-Laws were sent to the ACA for review, approval and file (action complete).   

During the year, the Chapter membership grew with the addition of Yvonne Watts, Rick Bussell, Eddie Fuquay, Jerry Merichko, and most recently CMSgt Patrick Bowen.  We also sent CMSgt Kevin Lewis off to retirement in Florida with our thanks as an active member.  We are sure Kevin will stay in the AMMO business in some fashion and wish him the Best of Luck.  The current Chapter membership roll is 18 members and 3 associate members yielding $525 in annual dues.  Over the course of the year we disbursed $400 during the year for our Airman Support program, $250.00 to the CMSgt Richard Gauvin Memorial Fund at AFCOMAC and $200.00 to unit level award winners.  We solicited, but did not receive any unit level Ammo first-termer award packages.  The Chapter also recognized SSgt Chappell for his Outstanding Performance in the AMMO Career Field as the 2008 Annual AMRAMM award recipient.  Our chapter collected $419.00 in fundraisers from Chapter coins, hats, pens, and other opportunities.

In the ACAMC region from NC to PA the known possible membership base during 2009 was approx 30 Chiefs, representing all Chiefs in the surrounding states.  Of the 34, 18 are members in good standing and 12 are inactive.  We continue to pass ACAMC information to inactive Chiefs in email messages and information concerning Chapter events and gatherings in the hopes they will join the membership and participate in our Chapter activities.  Our three Associate Members continue to provide outstanding assistance.  

A nomination committee was appointed in Sep to solicit names for the Chapter Vice President position.  Jack Miller has done an extremely good job for our Chapter, but his two year tour of duty is ending.  The election of a new VP was ratified at the 12 Dec meeting and Mike Robertson was elected to fill the VP position as of 1 Jan 2010.  

Due to the ACAMC membership being spread out over five states (VA, MD, PA, NJ, and NC) and the District of Columbia, it is difficult to gather in force at meetings and events, but we plan for another active agenda in 2010.  We have notionally set a Quarterly meeting schedule for 2010 beginning in Mar 09 at the 1st FW Administrative Building.  We will continue to meet, socialize, and have fun while working towards enhancing the spirit and drive of the Munitions Community and to keep the AMMO Flame burning bright!!

//Signed, mrg, 24 Dec 2009//


AMMO Chief’s Association, Mid-Atlantic  Chapter (ACAMC)