ACA Membership Eligibility


AMMO Chief Members are Active Duty and Retired USAF, Air Force Reserve (AFR) or Air National Guard (ANG) AMMO Chiefs and SMSgt’s with a line number for Chief whose Association dues are current. AMMO Chiefs are individuals who now serve or have served as a Chief or Chief Selectee in Duty AFSC’s 2W000, 461X0, 465X0, 46191 or 645X0A and includes AFSC’s converted administratively to the foregoing. AMMO Chiefs and Chief Selectee’s requesting membership apply directly to the ACA and do not require Board of Directors (BOD) approval.

Associate Members are Retired USAF, AFR or ANG AMMO E-7’s and E-8’s, who served consistently and honorably in AMMO Duty positions in AFSC’s 2W0X1, 461X0, 465X0, 46191 or 645X0A and includes those AFSC’s converted administratively to the foregoing. These applicants do not require a sponsor and may apply directly to the ACA. After publication to the BOD, if there is an objection from any one member, the application may require a query for additional details and possible sponsorship of an AMMO Chief member in good standing. Final approval requires a 2/3 majority BOD vote.

Also included as candidates for Associate Membership are all other ranks of Retired USAF, AFR or ANG AMMO troops who served consistently and honorably in AMMO Duty positions in AFSC’s 2W0X1, 461X0 and 465X0 and includes those AFSC’s converted administratively to the foregoing. Applicants require the sponsorship of an AMMO Chief member in good standing and after publication, a unanimous BOD vote for approval.

Retired USAF, AFR or ANG Officers (21MXA / Conventional Munitions) who have served in designated AMMO Duty positions for significant portions of their careers may be considered for Associate Membership. These positions normally existed within a Munitions Storage Area or on a NAF or MAJCOM Munitions staff. Rank or position titles alone do not justify membership consideration. Applicants require the sponsorship of an AMMO Chief member in good standing and after publication, a unanimous BOD vote for approval.

Retired Civilians who have served in AMMO Duty positions for a significant portion of their career may be considered for Associate Membership. Applicants require the sponsorship of an AMMO Chief member in good standing and after publication, a unanimous BOD vote for approval.

Individuals who are not otherwise eligible for ACA Associate Membership but who are sponsored by at least three AMMO Chief members in good standing may be considered for Associate Membership. Detailed recommendations from the sponsors are essential to obtain a unanimous BOD vote for approval.

Associate members may attend ACA meetings and participate in social events / reunions but do not have voting rights. With approval of the BOD they may serve on committees. All Associate Members pay dues.

Dues: $25.00 a year or $250.00 for Lifetime Membership. Make your check or money order payable to the ACA and mail it and your completed application to the following address:

Matt Lingelbach ACA Secretary
1040 E Nicholes Ave
Layton, UT 84040


Mike Robertson ACA Treasurer
16394 Red Cedar Rd
Piedmont, South Dakota 57769                  

Membership Application

Current ACA Members List
Current Membership Stats and Chart
Membership Key:
RL=  Regular Life
RA= Regular Annual
Al= Associate Life
AA= Associate Annual
HS= Honorary Spouse
SF = Shell ad Flame Award winners