NOTE: These Pavers are NOT AMMO Monument Pavers. If you want to order a AMMO Monument Paver go to: AMMO Heritage Monument | AMMO Chief’s Association (
The AMMO Chiefs Association Legacy Paver Program is open and available to ALL AMMO ranks.
We call it
The price of a 4″ x 8″ legacy paver is $80. This is the discounted price per paver negotiated and received from the Airman Heritage Foundation (AHF). If 2 or more pavers are orders together the price drops to $75 per paver, so we try to bundle orders when we can. Orders placed through the Ammo Chiefs PayPal account include PayPal fees so 1 paver is $82.88 total. However, our pavers are grouped together at the parade grounds at Lackland. AMMO is the first community to do so.
Access to our reduced rate via the AHF is controlled by password and all orders are processed by the ACA Treasurer. This ensures any paver purchased through the ACA will receive the reduced rate and that it would be placed with our group (AMMO ROAD). The focal point for all orders is the ACA Treasurer.
As of today (10 Sep 2023) there well over 167 AMMO Legacy pavers installed and new paver orders are being placed monthly. Initially the pavers ordered were all AMMO CHIEFS or former members of the ACA. In early 2020 we started adding all AMMO folks and ranks. The program has been a success and that is why we want to open it to all of AMMO – Huh!
Click the below link to view the entire AMMO Legacy Paver listing:
Link to AMMO Legacy Paver List (Updated: 24 Sep 2023
The pavers are placed in a pathway that encircles the parade grounds at Lackland AFB in San Antonio Texas.
At the 2016 San Antonio Reunion ACA members toured The Airman Heritage Museum and later a recommendation was made to purchase a Lifetime Membership @ $300 and receive a free single Legacy Paver.
Rather than a single one time donation via Lifetime membership, another proposal was made to create a new ACA tradition to perpetuate the memory of deceased ACA Ammo Chiefs.
The pavers are placed in a pathway that will lead around the parade grounds at Lackland AFB in San Antonio Texas.
The purchase of Legacy Pavers supports the ACA Constitution and honors AMMO’s heritage in a place highly visible to future Airmen and the public; it also supports the Airman Heritage Foundation long-term. Win/Win.
Initially the BOD agreed to purchase a Legacy Paver for all deceased ACA Ammo Chiefs then added all deceased ACA Members. Funding for all other previous Ammo Chiefs was funded by donations, most by ACA members. Several Chiefs have ordered their own. Now it’s open to all of AMMO.
All Installed AMMO Heritage Pavers are shown below as of 10 Sep 2023:
The Program was adopted by the ACA BOD in mid-2017 and started shortly after.
The first batch was ordered in Nov 2017 with the first 44 being installed in the ground on May of 2019. They are installed in front of the B-17 aircraft known as “Heaven’s Above” which is right next to the Medal of Honor Monument.
As you can see from the pictures the ADA compliant path will be completed with blank pavers and as pavers are purchased the blanks will be removed and replaced with Legacy Pavers. Generally, this is how the entire program works. It is my understanding that there is room for upwards of 1,000 pavers in our area.
You can see the area on a google map below.
All pavers will be placed as ordered there can be no reserved spaces or special grouping. Orders would remain “First in – First out”. Order your own, one for a mentor you respected while on duty, a friend or a spouse. If you place an order and we find it is a duplicate we will let you know.
We would reserve the right to ensure any wording is in accordance with the AHF guidelines and our requirement that the paver have some wording related to AMMO.
There are 3 lines of text limited to 14 characters per line including spaces. Acceptable entries might read AMMO, RANK, NAME, IYAAYAS, KYPD, AMMO Wife, AMMO SPOUSE, etc. Something easily identifiable as AMMO related.
The focal point for all orders is the ACA Treasurer.
Method of Payment | Qty | Costs | Links/Email |
Check/Money Order | 1 2 3 | $80.00 $150.00 $225.00 | Email: Our response will tell you where to send your payment. |
PayPal Credit / Debit Card | 1 2 3 | $82.12 $153.55 $230.07 | Bottom left side of HOME page; links to PayPal. | | $80 | |
Order through PayPal below. Be sure to include the desired wording for the paver when making payment. Only 3 lines and 14 characters per line (including spaces.) In PayPal enter the first 2 lines then 3rd line.
To pay be check or money order – mail to:
AMMO Chief’s Association
c/o ACA Treasurer, Mike Robertson
16394 Red Cedar Road
Piedmont, South Dakota, 57769
You can read more about the AHF program here: