Pending Legislation dealing with Retired Pay

The following information was passed on from Jack Seaman.


Our AMMO Brothers Gary Oaks and Mike Robertson up in Utah are among many keeping an eye on the subject information and thought the ACA Membership might be interested. We pretty much all know many politicians like to propose cost cutting legislation pertaining to the military – – primarily I guess because they view us as being “easy targets” who will not fight back,  rolling over and accepting whatever comes along.

Maybe more of us should take up the fight on these issues before they get a chance to push the proposed (expletive deleted) down our throats. Letting our lawmakers in Washington know how we feel about it is one way to do that.

The TREA is another good source of any future info on this subject. Many of you already belong to the VFW, American Legion / Vets, Vietnam Veterans Association, Air Force Sergeants Association and the Air Force Association all of which provide newsworthy items pertaining to the retired military community. Might also be worth adding the TREA to your email distribution list.


TREA Washington Update for Monday, February 27th 2017