In Memoriam
Therefore, it has pleased an all wise Providence, to remove from among us, our much esteemed Friends.
We will cherish the memory of those deceased whose memory is ever fresh in our minds.
Though parted from among us we hope to meet them where no farewell tear is shed.
The Light of the shell and flame will also serve as a reminder of the level of excellence and esprit-de-corps set by those who came before us; the light of the shell and flame will also help us look back to remember those Ammo Troops, both active duty and retired, who are no longer with us and the service they performed for their country and to the Ammo community. In doing so, we will gain strength from the fact that such men and women lived……FOR WE ARE AMMO!
Those listed with an asterisk * have the distinction of being a Charter Chief in the USAF
Those listed with a double asterisk ** are Bataan Death March Survivors
Note: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Cemetery Administration (NCA) Daily Burial Schedule allows the public to search for the committal service date, time, and cemetery for the scheduled burial of a Veteran, spouse, or other eligible family member. Click National Cemetery Administration (NCA) Daily Burial Schedule for more info.
I miss all you who have departed. Each of you made AMMO a special part of our lives.